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Body Adornment


I have the following body adornment:  

416 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • I have atleast 1 tattoo
    • I have atleast 1 piercing.
    • I have both tattoos and piercings.
    • I have neither tattoos nor piercings.

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thanks dude, eventually I'll get a higher res image cause the detail work is awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
I know a few of you have seen this in progress, but it's finally done! About 13 hours under the needle, mostly in 3-3.5 hour chunks. Oof. Had the last hour and a half of touchups, highlights, etc. done on Monday and took this photo Tuesday at the request of my artist, so excuse the redness around the bottom.
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I love looking at people's ink. I have none, my luck I'd get an eczema attack at that site.

I do have piercings. The ones in my ears are at 8g and 4g right now (3 in one ear, 1 in the other). I got a new piercing in Aug from Elayne Angel (those of you into body mod may know who she is). Another forum I'm sorta active on is the Steel Navel body jewelry forum, same handle. Need to go back, they should be starting their 50% "find the discount code" contest today.
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Lmao mike.. sweeet!

i have one tat and many piercings :-D I <3 needles and stuff.. no pic of the tat because its on my back.. and i'm only one man.. and my bathroom mirror is really streaky and i'm too lazy to clean it right now.. so suuucks to be you guys! lol

I have my ears stretched to 0ga. I have two side by side labret peircings (spider bits but labret, not lip)

In the past i've peirced my nipples, a line of rings down my chest, my wrist, tried to do my eyebrow, but I pussed out when the needle didnt want to push out.. Shit was hurting, and I Had a drip of blood that was going into my eye..
oh ya.. and Ive done all my peircings myself
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awesome nate haha.

@Jordan: It's holding up surprisingly well actually. The only thing that really looks a little faded is the O. But I have a free touchup whenever I want. :) Did your jelly hurt? I've heard mixed things about getting the ribs done.
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Depended on the session really -- first session was 3.5 hours and I wasn't hurting til about hour 3, second session was about the same, and third session hurt all the way through. Fourth was too short (90 min) to really do too much damage. ;)

I have the other side of my ribs done too actually, with a text design. Ribs are definitely a sensitive spot, but 90%+ of my time under the needle has been on my ribs (I have a small foot tattoo, another spot that is known for being especially sensitive) so I can't say how much worse it hurts than your arm/back/calf/face/etc. There were times when I was definitely feeling it though - coud feel my ribs vibrating when he was on bonier parts, the areas right by my boob and kind of the lovehandle-y area were also really sensitive. You have to sit in a pretty odd way for a long time too to keep the area of skin stretched out. I'm used to sitting still for long periods of time, being an artists' model, but a lot of my fatigue/pain was not just from the needle but from being on one hip and having my arm stretched out in a few weird ways for hours at a time, haha. Ribs are a great spot for a lot of kinds of design though and a pretty large flat-ish area to work with.
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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
In process of a new piece, a pinup on my thigh. Getting first color session tomorrow, will post pics when the time comes.

Will be finished at the Boston Tattoo Convention this year, which will be fun... maybe we'll win an award. :)
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I had my nose pierced once by accident. I was hiking with my friend Nate, and he was ahead of me. He shoved a thornbush aside and was going to hold it as I walked past so I could clear the next obstacle. He slipped and let go, and one of the thorns went straight through my nose, fully piercing it. I let it heal back, I don't think I'd look good with piercings.
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[quote name='packersfan23' timestamp='1343441980' post='552774']
I had my nose pierced once by accident. I was hiking with my friend Nate, and he was ahead of me. He shoved a thornbush aside and was going to hold it as I walked past so I could clear the next obstacle. He slipped and let go, and one of the thorns went straight through my nose, fully piercing it. I let it heal back, I don't think I'd look good with piercings.

that doesn't sound pleasant at all!

and jordan! that sounds awesome!
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The revival of this thread inspired me to finally purchase some new plugs:


Got two red and two black, all four 8G. I haven't gotten new plugs in 5 years.
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Nah, I'm done. Why? Cause I'm trying to get a "professional" (MAKE THAT BANK) job. I hide my gauges using these silicone plugs when going for interviews and the such: http://www.bodyartforms.com/productdetails.asp?keywords=hider&button=Search&RecordDisplay=&Filter=Yes&ProductID=2705&index=3 . It's harder to hide bigger gauges, so I'm staying where I'm at.
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yeah, definitely. Mine are 00, but i use these clear rubber retainers. It ends up looking much more professional than having colorful stuff in. I've actually gotten compliments for them at job interviews.
one person said "even though you have gauges, the clear ones like that look classy and I don't think anyone would hold that against you"

so thats pretty cool
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That's awesome! I actually get quite worried about my gauges when it comes to trying to impress folks. I wear my regular plugs here at this job because I know my boss doesn't really care, but I may or may not at my next job, depending on how that boss is about it. Never hurts to hide them at the interview, though. ;)

Another reason I can't go much bigger is because I have two piercings in each ear lobe, meaning 4 total, all 8G. The two holes can't go much bigger without whatever earrings I put in getting too jammed together and it just looking bad.
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I'm looking in to finally piercing and stretching my ears since I started working in a restaurant and looks don't matter haha. Still giving some good thought to it before though
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Ummm, who says looks don't matter when you work in a restaurant? That's actually one place where I prefer the people who serve me don't look like shit (like they just woke up out of bed and don't care about their appearance; I have no issues if my server has tattoos/piercings). I understand you work in the back cooking food, though, so maybe that's what you meant.
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