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Woohooo My First Batch Of Tangiers Arrived

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i dont know, iam scared to order from h-s now they havnt even bothered with a reply

maybe i'll try hookah company

i see hookah kings has 100g bags of it, but they dont have many flavors in stock which sucks
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People just get unlucky. plkus the tobacco passes through all kinds of weather to get to soem people. I bet if i got some mailed to me right now it would be super-funky because of the weird weather we have been having. The coldness does affect Tangiers though. You probably won't get a good bowl unless you are inside with a constant temperature.
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it was acclimated for 7 hours

the stuff never smelled good to begin with, which i mentioned in very early posts.

everything is out of stock on mnhookah lol Edited by clickhea
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Yeah i remember that, so buy some from MNhookahs. Tangiers has a strong smell when you first open it, it's not strong like other tobaccos, as in when you smell it you have to pull away cause of the chemical-ness. Tangiers you can sit and enjoy the smell, and as it acclimates it gets truer to its flavor. So you probably had a bad batch, shit happens man. But it's not worth giving up. Get some Brambleberry from MN and try it out. When you first get the Brambleberry you open it and can tell that there's blackberry flavor. As you acclimate it it just gets sweeter and better.
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Acclimate it again IN THE ENVIRONMENT IN WHICH YOU WILL BE SMOKING IT. That's a HUGE point I need to emphasize. You probably have but try it one more time. Although you may not think so, subtle changes in the weather will affect the flavor moreso than anything else. Make sure its not near a humidifier or air conditioner as that can affect the way its acclimating. Trust me, I had similar problems at first but after acclimating it again in a more stable environment and where I was going to be smoking it, it was awesome.
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