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Esotericist, Bohemian-Aspirant, Left-Hand Philosopher And Intellectuallist...

Amora Smith

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I'm currently trying to ditch the habit of smoking forbidden amounts of ganja, going to force myself through some depressionry and eventually get to setting up a hookah. I've constantly resorted to this crutch to get my mental flexibilities aligned, but I find the after-effects to be nullifying and overall the potency is lost as a recreational tool. MY MAIN INQUIRY IS: I'm permatripping from mushrooms now (vibing. moreso) and it always helps to have a good atmosphere. So I wanted a traditional eastern ceremonial look to my hookah space, as well as a proper smoke thats not too heavy on the "UUUUUUGH I smoke too much for too long" and sits better for longer periods on a fresh tolerance (I had a hookah smoking phase some time ago with a roomate), something with a buzz but no nausea. I believe I will start with a few online ordered cans and get a good box of coals (although for the month I have coals now from a year ago after a failed hookah endeavour with a crappy mini one).






Heres Yog-Sothoth with the whether.

Edited by Amora Smith
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Um, welcome?


Well i guess this is the type of welcome you're looking to get...  Hope you accomplish whatever you seek to accomplish here... 




Edited by A Sharrp SYBIAN
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I hope its not considered spamming if i double post but tim that tim hydecker automated gif is priceless! hope my add-ons weren't overkill! 

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