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Post Your: "O's" "Clouds" "Smoke Fa

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QUOTE (art_official @ Jan 25 2007, 07:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i can do hearts by doing a normal ring, pretty thick and then while its floating pretty strongly snap about 5cm under it, and it turns into a heart its pretty cool actually

Yeah I'm going to need picture confirmation on this... I know its possible, as a old member actually took a picture of himself doing it, with 2 hearts in the same picture, but his method was a tad different.
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QUOTE (Allia22 @ Jan 19 2007, 10:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
YAY new pics
Nice necklace -- the ACS shock logo's always got a special place in my heart. I wore the ring from elementary school to my last year of high school, when I lost it sad.gif

The only smoke picture I have is the one that was my sig for a while --

edit: Pardon the boxers wink.gif
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hawt biggrin.gif I admit I was terrified of him until my sister told me about the Willy Wonka thing he did (first track of first album, if nobody else knows)
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Nah, I thought that segment was really cool and creepy(then they cut it out whenever they show it on TV *sniffle*), and I just started wondering how this bizarre looking guy went about it. The conclusion I came up with was that it MUST have been awesome, so I started to actually like Manson. Then I went to a concert in Nov. '04, and then I became a fanatic biggrin.gif
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Sorry about that, it's a bad habit of mine that I'm working on >.< And no Yash, I can't blame you on this one, it definitely did get off topic wink.gif
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other than O's, Bubbles, and "tornadoes", anyone got cool pictures of other things they can do with smoke? such as Gandalph making a ship rolleyes.gif haha,
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Little physics tidbit wink.gif :

When learning about the exhaust gas pulsations from a car engine, you learn about how the gas is propagated in a tube (having a circular cross section.) The gas (in our case, mostly carbon dioxide) is exitted through a circular opening, the same thing pictured below (from a top-view... the black part at the bottom is the opening of the tube, and the resulting vortex, or "smoke ring" is coming from exhaust gas, shot at 1000 pulses per minute.)

As you can see, when gas exits a circular opening without any cross wind or interference, and as long as it exits with distinct pulses (ie not constantly blowing) it will always exit as a smoke ring. The gas first exits as a spherical bubble (shown in the leftmost frame) and then as it is disrupted by the gas behind it, it will break open and kind of wrap around itself creating the vortex (shown in the last frame on the right.)

Pretty cool stuff, huh. So the trick is getting your lips as pclose to circular as you can, and doing the pulsing technique described earlier. If you let too much air out, the vortex will not form. And the closer to circular, the prettier and more uniform the smoke ring. Enjoy.
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  • 2 weeks later...

This was at the Ice Hookah bar in Towson, MD. The Hookah never really got hot enough. We had a terrible time trying to get smoke out of it--this is the most we were able to get.

Thought I'd post until I get a really good one.
Edited by SaraDunn
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thought i'd add a couple of my brother and I.

here's a while back

now i've perfected o's. I can make them without tapping my cheek it just seems easier to capture o's on film when theres 10 of them and not just 1.

sorry for the almost nude girl on the poster... she really isnt nude lol!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I really suck at doing normal Os. I can do the rapid fire with the cheek pretty good though.

At the hookah lounge i go to, there is a guy who can blow an O out of both sides of his mouth at the same time. It was so crazy.

Here are some pics of my friends chilling at the lounge.

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