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Joytron, thats an awesome photograph! A bunch of really cool looking pets here. I love animals/this thread. Here are my crazy 'beasts': Jasmine and Zoe, both the same age. Breed: Vizsla Happen to be related? Gorgeous dogs by the way.
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They look related and are the same age, but they are from different breeders. We got the first one, Jasmine, very young and convinced friends to get the same breed. However, they are known for being very wild and energetic, and our friends couldnt handle the one they got, Zoe, especially with a new baby. In the end they gave her to us. Thus us having two, but from different breeders.


I love em to death... Yours are great looking as well, I dig the Greyhound one.




Btw, Woodsy;  that dog Grizzly just popped up for me. BOSS looking dog!

Edited by grock
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Here's the cat that lives next door. His name is FIRE CAT. He patrols our property and then comes into our house and inspects every inch of our apartments; behind the doors, under the beds, behind the couch, the counters, etc. Then he takes a nap at whoever's apartment he finishes in. Sometimes I let him spend the night but he wakes up so early and just purrs in my face until I'm awake.  

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  • 10 months later...

Welp my wife and I went to Memphis and picked out a new pup... Great Pyrenees! We have to wait a few weeks more until she is weaned from her mother. We're so excited!




And she'll grow to be like this:



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Welp my wife and I went to Memphis and picked out a new pup... Great Pyrenees! We have to wait a few weeks more until she is weaned from her mother. We're so excited!




And she'll grow to be like this:





You will love, love, LOVE having a Great Pyr.  They are such good dogs and really smart.  I miss my Gypsy even now almost 20 years later.  The only thing you have to be careful of is they will dig to China given the chance.  Gypsy was excavating under the pool decking.  So we dug it out and refilled it without large rocks.  That stopped her and was better than cutting her nails too short.  I used to tell her "Let's go to bed." and she'd run and grab her favorite throw rug and drag it to the side of the bed to sleep.  They have the sweetest natures too, but  once they consider you part of the flock they guard, they're very protective.  Gypsy wouldn't even let the mailman inside the gate.  I had to install a mailbox out front for mail.  She never bit anybody, but she made it very clear if they weren't her family, she was keeping an eye on them.  And she did that from four months old.



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That's what I keeping hearing. Sounds like the perfect dog for us. We hope that because we'll get her as a puppy, she and our cat will get along well. Did you have cats when you had yours?


Nope, she was an only child at the time.  But if you get them when young they'll consider themselves in charge of everyone and everything in the household.  The cat will have more problems with a rambunctious puppy than the puppy will with the cat most likely.  I would suggest you introduce them carefully so the puppy don't get smacked and end up thinking it's fun to chase cats.  If you're reasonable introducing them to each other knowing their personalities and natures, it should be find.  Pyr's were bred to shepherd other animals and to them it doesn't matter if they['re sheep, humans, or cats.  They tend to love everything and everyone they accept as part of their circle or family.  When Gypsy was a year old and over 100 pounds I could even open the car door and yell "Doggie doctor!" and she'd jump into the front seat (because she had to ride shotgun) and head over to the vet with perfect attitude, wagging her tail even as we walked in the door.  


I used to get her groomed every other week because she was a very active dog and the groomer's was the only place she wasn't crazy about.  And even there, according to her groomer she was a great dog.  She'd just climb over the counter to get to me when I picked her up!  It's not easy to control 100 of puppy attitude!  Make sure if there's water around, like a pool you drown proof it right away because they WILL investigate water.  Almost as much as a Newfoundland.  I got Gypsy in the dead of winter and had a pool.  I stood there in 30 degree water while my boyfriend threw her in to teach her to swim to the steps and get out.  Soon as the water heated up for summer (I lived in Palm Springs), I couldn't keep her out of the pool.  Scared people to death sometimes when they'd be swimming and the 140 pounds (by then) of water loving dog sailed over their head and splashed buckets of water everywhere.  Then she'd swim to the steps to get out, race around the pool and do it all over again.  There were even times I'd be doing laps and she's join me.  


They also tend to jump on people a lot because they love attention.  At the advice of a trainer I didn't knee her, but I would grab her front paws and stretch her up and not let go.  That broke her of jumping pretty fast.  Though I once introduced her to someone new who patted his chest and tried to get her to jump up.  She looked at him, looked at me, at him again, gave what looked like a doggie shrug and up she went.  Knocked him on his ass.  But because they're so smart, he was the only one she ever jumped up on.  She knew the difference.  They're super smart that way.  You're going to adore having one.



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The lady in Memphis where we're getting ours has plenty left! We get to pick ours up middle of this month hopefully.


PM me her info if you would, I'm only 2.5hrs from Memphis :)

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Meet Yeti: Our cat Bella explaining the pecking order, having no idea how big she is going to soon be: [attachment=6575:ImageUploadedByTapatalk1389630886.972597.jpg] She loves snuggling in blankets, especially in the car. Too bad it won't last very long: [attachment=6576:ImageUploadedByTapatalk1389630935.105541.jpg] Already took my recliner! [attachment=6577:ImageUploadedByTapatalk1389631014.955744.jpg] Yeti with Abby, my in-laws' dog. [attachment=6578:ImageUploadedByTapatalk1389631037.355947.jpg] Taking her to the vet today after work to get her shots. Sent from my iPhone using [URL=http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1]Tapatalk[/URL]
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