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QUOTE (PerznPerversion @ Jul 10 2007, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i urge both of u 2 chill.. and btw like i pointed out before you did say that it burns fat.. which means lost of weight? am i right...

All I can say is read that article i posted and look around the net and educate yourself if your interested, but basically your body stores a lot of toxins in your fat and when u fast, yes your body burns that fat for a source of energy, thus detoxing you, but any wieght you lose will most likely be gained back after you start eating again. Again, fasting is not a weight loss tool.
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QUOTE (Foos @ Jul 10 2007, 08:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
All I can say is read that article i posted and look around the net and educate yourself if your interested, but basically your body stores a lot of toxins in your fat and when u fast, yes your body burns that fat for a source of energy, thus detoxing you, but any wieght you lose will most likely be gained back after you start eating again. Again, fasting is not a weight loss tool.

Scheetz picked that to pieces pretty well already... so there is no need for me to do it again. There is no evidence or proof in that article... just some "experts" saying that they tell their patients to fast... How does the prove or show anything?

And for the 3rd or 4th time, this is a conversation about obesity, if you don't think it works to fight obesity, why even bring it up? You have ignored that every time someone has posted it. Is it because you thought it would work, then your article didn't support it??
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QUOTE (Skarredmind @ Jul 10 2007, 10:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Foos @ Jul 10 2007, 08:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
All I can say is read that article i posted and look around the net and educate yourself if your interested, but basically your body stores a lot of toxins in your fat and when u fast, yes your body burns that fat for a source of energy, thus detoxing you, but any wieght you lose will most likely be gained back after you start eating again. Again, fasting is not a weight loss tool.

Scheetz picked that to pieces pretty well already... so there is no need for me to do it again. There is no evidence or proof in that article... just some "experts" saying that they tell their patients to fast... How does the prove or show anything?

And for the 3rd or 4th time, this is a conversation about obesity, if you don't think it works to fight obesity, why even bring it up? You have ignored that every time someone has posted it. Is it because you thought it would work, then your article didn't support it??

All you do is try to argue with people. I'm done with this thread and argueing with people like you. Edited by Foos
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Haha, the XFB would have a field-day with this thread! laugh.gif I've gone to him for weight loss advice before, and aside from the "Stop eating crap!" comment he was so fond of, he pushed me in the direction of eating LOTS of meat protein (avoid soy protein at all costs... multiple reasons, just forgot them all tongue.gif), lifting weights, and eating smaller meals more often to boost my metabolism.

At no point did he ever say go on a fast (yes, I know you never said it was an effective way of losing weight) because that'll basically cause your metab to crash and have to start from scratch. I'm trying to get to the lesser weight of my 5 lb. yo-yo effect, but I'm screwing myself over because I have pretty much no appetite for almost anything for some odd reason. I'm seriously debating on just eating delicious crap food just so I can get some calories in me. So any crash dieters out there... don't do it, it doesn't work, you'll just end up in the dreaded yo-yo like me tongue.gif
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Maybe we should just line up all the fat bastards and throw them off the nearest cliff? (Grand Canyon for americans, Dover cliffs for the english?)

Let's get down to brass tacks here. Obesity is not a disease or condition, It's a symptom*. Something else is wrong. I personally believe it is a reflection of society as a whole.

Over the past 50 years things have become massively mechanised. Very few people do 'a proper days works'.
I use my two most experienced civil lads. One is touching 40 one is about 23. Both spend there day digging holes and preparing cables for live breech jointing.

These boys each some serious crap. Bacon/Sausage sandwiches and tea by about 6am. Lunch could be a pile of sandwiches, or something from the local chip-shop.

There wives normally have a big meals ready at home.

They are both like frigging rakes. Thin & Healthy! Why? because they actually DO something during the day. Work. Old fashioned work. [You do not use mechanised digging equipment around live cables of any flavour]

What %age of the world are now keyboard warriors compared to 50 years ago? The world has become sedentary. This is the cause and this is what needs to be addressed.

Just my own thoughts.


* - Apart from maybe thyroid problems ect ect.
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QUOTE (Johnny_D @ Jul 11 2007, 01:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maybe we should just line up all the fat bastards and throw them off the nearest cliff? (Grand Canyon for americans, Dover cliffs for the english?)

Let's get down to brass tacks here. Obesity is not a disease or condition, It's a symptom*. Something else is wrong. I personally believe it is a reflection of society as a whole.

Over the past 50 years things have become massively mechanised. Very few people do 'a proper days works'.
I use my two most experienced civil lads. One is touching 40 one is about 23. Both spend there day digging holes and preparing cables for live breech jointing.

These boys each some serious crap. Bacon/Sausage sandwiches and tea by about 6am. Lunch could be a pile of sandwiches, or something from the local chip-shop.

There wives normally have a big meals ready at home.

They are both like frigging rakes. Thin & Healthy! Why? because they actually DO something during the day. Work. Old fashioned work. [You do not use mechanised digging equipment around live cables of any flavour]

What %age of the world are now keyboard warriors compared to 50 years ago? The world has become sedentary. This is the cause and this is what needs to be addressed.

Just my own thoughts.


* - Apart from maybe thyroid problems ect ect.

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QUOTE (Skarredmind @ Jul 11 2007, 07:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Foos @ Jul 11 2007, 02:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
All you do is try to argue with people. I'm done with this thread and argueing with people like you.

LOL, how mature.

::STOMPS FOOT ON FLOOR:: If I can't win I'm takin' my ball and goin home!


lol =-) <3 u
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QUOTE (Johnny_D @ Jul 11 2007, 04:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maybe we should just line up all the fat bastards and throw them off the nearest cliff? (Grand Canyon for americans, Dover cliffs for the english?)

Let's get down to brass tacks here. Obesity is not a disease or condition, It's a symptom*. Something else is wrong. I personally believe it is a reflection of society as a whole.

Over the past 50 years things have become massively mechanised. Very few people do 'a proper days works'.
I use my two most experienced civil lads. One is touching 40 one is about 23. Both spend there day digging holes and preparing cables for live breech jointing.

These boys each some serious crap. Bacon/Sausage sandwiches and tea by about 6am. Lunch could be a pile of sandwiches, or something from the local chip-shop.

There wives normally have a big meals ready at home.

They are both like frigging rakes. Thin & Healthy! Why? because they actually DO something during the day. Work. Old fashioned work. [You do not use mechanised digging equipment around live cables of any flavour]

What %age of the world are now keyboard warriors compared to 50 years ago? The world has become sedentary. This is the cause and this is what needs to be addressed.

Just my own thoughts.


* - Apart from maybe thyroid problems ect ect.

+1 for certain...

Exercise is the way to go, an obese person who exercises it usually healthier than a skinny person who doesn't.

Low carb is a good way to go too if you can stick to it. But really exercise is the best, it also has the added benefits of better sleep, and more energy during the day... Its really all about getting your metabolism kick started and keep it going at high speed as long as you can...
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Well, I wasn't going to weigh in on this.... Pun intended, BUT........... A) I'm a big girl from a family of big girls. cool.gif The fiancee hates skinny women. C) He's 6' 200 pounds of solid muscle and meaness to the rest of the world and D) Before I got engaged I only dated actors, musicians, martial artists, military, etc. In other words guys in absolutely great shape. According to today's standards. Not one had a problem with my size or my looks. But size is not remotely a true indication of health. Take the martial artist/actor (who's name you'd know if I spilled it) that I was involved with for 2 years. Even dead sound asleep that body was ripped and rock solid. And what did he build that amazing body on? Donuts and ice cream. I kid you not. Donuts and ice cream at 3:00 a.m. no less. His doctor's words? "I don't care how good you look, you're a heart attack waiting to happen." Sure exerecise is absolutely one of the best things you can do for yourself. Not just your body but your mental health. It kept his looking good, but it didn't outweigh the bad food choices. Another amazing body was someone I dated that is now strictly a friend because I got lucky and met the love of my life. Personal trainer in Holly-weird. Celebrity clientele, etc. According to him, building your own personal best body isn't rocket science. He said there are two things everyone, thin or thick, should be doing: 1) Upgrade your standards for food. Crave a potato? A fresh baked potato even with real butter, sour cream and fresh cut chives is real food. French fries are not. Put nothing into your body that doesn't truly feed it. 2) Move every chance you get. Always choose movement over non-movement. Boil it down to dancing good, computer games bad. Pretty simple huh?

But also according to this same personal trainer who gets paid several hundred dollars an hour for personal sessions, not everyone in this world is designed to be thin. Which is why he talks about your own personal best body, NOT the media craved body. He points to my two siamese cats as perfect examples. Same age. Same lineage although from different litters. (Same father.) Same food, controlled entirely by me so I know it's exactly the same. Same playful energy level which means same amount of exercise. Same everything. Kaballah weighs in at 15 pounds. Kabuki at a mere 8 on a "fat cat day". Neither overeats, although if one of them is going to try and sneak an extra bite of food, it's going to be Kabuki. According to their vet, it's simply that somewhere in her mother's genes, Kaballah got the ones better suited for long starvation periods. A bonifide winter survivor and the stronger of her species. To ensure the continuation of her species. So all in all, the theories about willpower, good choices, mental health, etc. are pretty much blown out the window if you just look at the other mammals around us. You can explain away human nature, but you can't explain away the size difference in other species. It exists, therefore it's natural that some will be small and some large. That's just the way it is. Unless of course you'd like to claim that all animal species are subject to the same peer pressure and mental health issues as humanity. HOWEVER.........

My problem comes with the beginning of this thread that says it's not alright to be a certain size because it's unhealthy, unattractive, etc. I'm sorry, were we all supposed to shelve our adequate self-esteem and go hide in the closet because you don't approve? That is your essential problem with those who are okay with their weight and shape no matter what it might be. They have high self-esteem and are at peace with themselves and you are not. Ask any psychologist in the world.... We only attack what we fear and dislike in ourselves. Someone jokingly said "I think he asked out a fat girl and she turned him down." Well, with his attitude who wouldn't? You know, you are attracted to whom you're attracted to, simple as that. But if you base that attraction on only the outer surface, then you give no credit or respect to the person within. A former friend, former on my part because I just couldn't stand his shallowness and got tired of hearing about his lack of success in women had all these standards for the woman of his dreams. Had to be at least a 9. Had to be a certain age. Had to have a certain background to fit in with his family. Not once did he ever mention she had to have a loving, giving, beautiful spirit and heart. So how long has his longest relationship lasted? Three years. And once they leave they never look back. Because he's so busy with his criteria for the outside that I'm pretty sure they got tired of just being the image and his never even getting to the inside. I know this because not that long ago I was the image. Size 6, 38DD-27-36. Elizabeth Taylor lookalike. Yeah. And you know what, compared to now it pretty much sucked. Because everyone was so focused on the image they never got the me inside. A car accident in which I had deep muscle and tendon injuries and wasn't allowed to exercise for two solid years caused weight gain. And I'm still restricted on exercise because of the accident. But if you saw me, all you'd see was the "fat Elizabeth Taylor" face and wonder about my self-control. Never knowing that surviving an accident that by all accounts I should have died in is resposible. You'd make a surface judgement and never get to know me. Even as a friend.

But that's your loss. I'm okay with my size and my self esteem is pretty solid. Because my body works. It dances, and it walks, and it runs up and down stairs and hallways, it makes love, and therefore it's perfect just the way it is. Yep, I keep moving it more and every day I make better and better food choices. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm still beautiful, talented and intelligent just the way I am. And if you can't deal with it.......Then maybe you should go hide in the closet where you don't have to look.

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QUOTE (Furio @ Jul 12 2007, 05:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wow. spot on. (apart from the running up stairs thing. Even if I was a thin skinny lanky mo fo, I would never run up stairs or for a bus/train)

I'm still a big guy. But I choose to walk up the stairs in my office and hotel.

I eat bran for breakfast and orange juice and attempt to choose the healthier eating options (not easy when your living out of a suitcase during the week).

It's all about personal choices. However i will not stand in judgement of others.

There is only one who will, ultimately, do that. (If that's your belief) It's not my place to judge others.

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An open message to all the "Tons O' Fun" out there:

I'm using dumb, fat euphemisms because the first step is not letting other people hurt you is ignoring their insults. Thats how you beat this shit.

I am freakishly large. I'm 6'5" tall and weigh in around 380 Lbs. (195.5cm and 172Kg for you foreigners and 27 stone for you Brits.). At one time, I was down to 270 lbs. Easily, I was fairly thin. I didn't like the feeling of being thin, I regained weight. I think 350lb is the right weight for me, but I am active and don't get winded easily, so I'm not complaining.

Lard-asses have existed for years. Do they die sooner?

Doctors have been saying diabetes is on the rise as we, as a country are getting fatter. Are they factoring out hispanics who have a much higher incidence of diabetes, who also are one of the fastest growing groups in the US? I don't think so. Lets ask a more pointed question...do people who eventually develop diabetes have earlier symptoms? Could weigh gain be one of them? So, amongst the lard-os, are there the future diabetics or at least people with a high dispostion towards it?

There's a simple way to lose weight. I did it, anybody can. Stop eating so much. Stop claiming to be a victim or blaming other things for being a walking stick of butter. Stop eating. If people can't see you as a person of quality because you're fat, then they or you or both aren't very good people. I've known other tubbies who are just real crummy people, they eat to avoid feeling bad and then feel bad because they ate so much. All in all, aside from the vicious circle, they aren't very nice people, people wouldn't like them if they lost 100 lbs, unless they were superficial or something like that. All that ever matters is confidence. Feel good about yourself. Thats what's important. When you feel good about yourself, you will lose weight if that is the right thing to do for you. Trying to lose weight if you're fat is curing the disease by eliminating the symptoms. It doesn't work...lots of people can't lose weight. Maybe you need to become a better person. Maybe you need to stop caring what people think of you. Maybe you need to take responsibility or control over your fat, mayonnaise-laden existence. Sometimes, your genetic code will conspire to make you el blimpo. Weight isn't as important as how you feel. I wear size 16 shoes. My hands spread 10". If I weighed 250 lbs., I would be ghostly...like Christian Bale in that movie "The Machinist". I would still be overweight. I can't ever be "The appropriate weight". Its just a professionally derived way of living up to other people's expectations. Now, you're trying to satisfy a doctor.

Too often, people blame all their problems one one or two things. They try to lose weight, they go to church, they start smoking pot. Whatever. Most people have tons of problems. Narrowing it down to one or two things is usually wrong. It doesn't address the problems and...has it made you thinner or happier? No? Find out the problems you have and stop blaming common problems that other people tell you to blame.

For all you women who are carrying some extras around with you, I am not alone, when I say, personally, I don't like the look of a woman that is too thin. I like the look of a woman that is fatter. I don't really find thinner women even sexually appealing anymore. Personality is more important, that is if she were dynamite, I wouldn't care what she looked like or if she were too thin. I do like it when they have to have a little cushion built in. So, be encouraged.

There are men and women (as appropriate) out there who will find you attractive. Just keep trying and don't give up. It might be a little tougher sell. You might run across people who try to manipulate or aren't honest with you because they think you are more desperate or gullible because you are fat. They might try to use you. Once you respect yourself, tell a couple people to fuck off, you'll be fine. Don't say "I'm fat, I don't have many options."

One thing I noticed from when I was thin, I had people talking to me that would have normally ignored me...they weren't genuine, they didn't want to talk to a fatso. It was weird being on the other side, listening to other people being nasty towards butterballs. The one nice thing about being fat is, your friends and lovers are a lot more genuine, they really care about you, not about your money or your car.

"I thought all my troubles came from being fat."-Jethro Tull, Fat Man 1969 (1970?) Edit: I checked, it is 1969. Edited by Sonthert
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QUOTE (Sonthert @ Jul 12 2007, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
An open message to all the "Tons O' Fun" out there:

I'm using dumb, fat euphemisms because the first step is not letting other people hurt you is ignoring their insults. Thats how you beat this shit.

I am freakishly large. I'm 6'5" tall and weigh in around 380 Lbs. (195.5cm and 172Kg for you foreigners and 27 stone for you Brits.).


Me and you both !

JD - Sonthert's english twin blink.gif ????
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QUOTE (Sonthert @ Jul 12 2007, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One thing I noticed from when I was thin, I had people talking to me that would have normally ignored me...they weren't genuine, they didn't want to talk to a fatso. It was weird being on the other side, listening to other people being nasty towards butterballs. The one nice thing about being fat is, your friends and lovers are a lot more genuine, they really care about you, not about your money or your car.

Amen to that dry.gif

+1 rep
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QUOTE (Johnny_D @ Jul 12 2007, 09:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sonthert @ Jul 12 2007, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
An open message to all the "Tons O' Fun" out there:

I'm using dumb, fat euphemisms because the first step is not letting other people hurt you is ignoring their insults. Thats how you beat this shit.

I am freakishly large. I'm 6'5" tall and weigh in around 380 Lbs. (195.5cm and 172Kg for you foreigners and 27 stone for you Brits.).


Me and you both !

JD - Sonthert's english twin blink.gif ????

That is weird.

I've seen pictures of you and I'm much better looking.

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QUOTE (Sonthert @ Jul 17 2007, 11:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Johnny_D @ Jul 12 2007, 09:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sonthert @ Jul 12 2007, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
An open message to all the "Tons O' Fun" out there:

I'm using dumb, fat euphemisms because the first step is not letting other people hurt you is ignoring their insults. Thats how you beat this shit.

I am freakishly large. I'm 6'5" tall and weigh in around 380 Lbs. (195.5cm and 172Kg for you foreigners and 27 stone for you Brits.).


Me and you both !

JD - Sonthert's english twin blink.gif ????

That is weird.

I've seen pictures of you and I'm much better looking.


Can Anyone say WTF!PWNT!¿¿
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  • 1 month later...
For some people, working out and eating right or less doesn't work and all the fad diets in the world are not going to help.

I'm overweight myself and I've tried my damnedest to get myself down to a more desirable weight region. But no matter how good the intake choices I make are, or how often I hit the treadmill, or how many laps I swim, nothing has ever worked. When doing the logical thing didn't work, I got desperate and have tried the fad diets. I've been on Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, and seen more than one nutritionist in my life and try as I might, I don't seem to drop a single pound.

Now, don't assume I've just given up all hope and have gone back to eating nothing by sweets and fatty trash, I actually maintain a healthy diet and work out about an hour a night.

The government wants to ban smoking because they strive to become more and more and more like the roman catholic church. "If it's fun...stop."
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  • 2 weeks later...
Everyone has differant values. Some say smoking is terrible, but I enjoy it and it is worth the risk. Some people want to eat a lot and not exercise, if thats what makes them happy and they are will to take the risk of getting sick, thats their call.
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  • 1 month later...
an excerpt from one of my vitriolic rants in a myspace blog from a while ago... just edited for language and coherent thought.

"To all the people who call me fat: i know i'm a big guy, but keep the snide comments to yourselves.

jeez. I'm five foot nine and weigh in at a hefty 294 pounds. I'm not the lightest person on earth, but I'm certainly not the fattest. I eat quite healthy, and am also plenty active - as I'm a custom automotive fabricator and a mechanic, I'm quite used to strenuous activity, and have plenty of energy and stamina. I hate to break it to you Little Miss Shallow Pilates Freak: I really don't need your yoga and yogurt crap rammed down my throat. I'll stick to my relatively sensible diet of Salads, Sushi, and mostly organic foods, and a nice green tea or a fruit juice to wash it all down, thankyouverymuch.

...And to those people who are so obsessed with weight and image, I feel sorry for you, but it still is not my fault that you're a shallow dips*** who sees looks before personality. hope you choke on a protein bar you ugly-souled, waste of space."

then again, it's my personal belief that people come in all shapes and sizes, and should not worry about image, but overall health and hygiene. Myself and my Fiance are very active, and quite healthy, I love her for who she is, not for what she looks like. However, if she decided to quit taking care of her health, and hygiene - then i'd have a problem. a sluggish, stinky problem actually...

people have different standards, and people need to be alot more open to these things, besides, if you don't like it, it's not like you have to deal with it, just find less stinky people to hang out with.

just my two cents...
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If people are fat, and your in perfect fit shape, how does that affect you? Does it make you look bad? No, but it makes them look bad, nothing to do with how you should feel unless your a Nazi. I'm one skinny athletic son of a bitch, My metabolism is amazing, my whole family on my dad's side has the same thing. One of my best freinds is overweight. he is a football player, and could punch a hole through my well-toned six-pack any second of the day, even in his sleep. Now does he get the ladies? Yep. he does. Why? Because he's the greatest all-around guy ever spawned.

So, how does obesity in America affect the Non-Obese? Granted, they aren't a pretty sight (and i mean the OBESE people) , but it is their life choice, as it is their life choice to become thinner if they so desire. I was actually watching a documentary on Obessity, and it had this 600 pound man. he was a total asshole, i'm gonna throw it out there, but he loved being fat, he didn't care a bit. His wife? She didn't care too much, obviously she rather him be able to lift himself up, but she supported his choice, taking a trip to the store every day to get the food he wanted.

Obesity is an epidemic, but it's not a contagious outbreak that needs to be controlled. Some people are built larger than others. Some people love to eat and don't care what they weigh. More power to them. if they can eat 5 full racks of ribs in 15 minutes that's an astonishing feat of the human body. But it's not giving me AIDS.

When i see an obese child, i look at the parents and i think of how AWFUL they are to let that hgappen to their child. A Diet of Twinkies (Cake, Grease, White Goo) is not healthy for anyone. Those fucking things could servive a nuclear winter. We need to improve the children's eating habits in order to lower the Obesity rate, but it commonly seems like people just do not care a lick about their kid's health [problems]. It sickens me to see a one year old not able to put his arms to his sides becasue he is too fucking fluffy. I think causing a child that kind of harm is worthy of the death penalty.

People just think, Ohh, fat is fat. Nope. Fatness leads to many serious health problems, even heart attacks and blood clots, heart disease, and horrible hygiene for those who cannot clean themselves.

If you want to be larger, your welcome to in MY America, the land of the semi-free. If you love to eat, it's your passion, i would never stop you, unless it was directly negatively affecting your health. But letting our toddlers become OBESE????? That's a crime against humanity, worse than abortion. Hell you might as well should have had one dumb McDonald's BITCH! cool.gif
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