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1St Smoke In 2+ Years Epic Fail

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So I can finally use my Hookah and was all excited getting it set up and stuff, and I feel like a newb again.  I did something wrong and I am not sure what.  At first I though I had too much water in the base, then I though I had over packed the bowl, but its supposed to be packed tight and up to the foil right?  I started to smoke it and it had almost no pull.  I used to be able to do this with my eyes closed, ugg.  So what did I do wrong?  Geez I embarrassed, that I even have to ask for help.  But it has been 2+ years. So help a girl out. 

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We all fall off the wagon and need help getting back on, so don't feel embarassed. Hell, I can't pack a regular bowl too well anymore- I got so used to using phunnel bowls that I kinda forgot how to. So I totally understand how after 2 years you would be a bit off.


What kind of bowl are you using? Try doing the tobacco close to the foil, but not exactly touching... leave about a quarter's thickness between the two. When heated, the tobacco expands a bit, so this compensates for it. Hole pattern? Pics of what you're doing will help.

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Hell, I consider myself off the wagon these days pretty much. It's no biggie.
Give us some more info and we'll be able to help you out more.

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I don't have pics, but I had the holes in the foil in a circular pattern all the way to the one in the middle, lol remembered that.. I just have the bowl that came with my KM.  I think the way I packed it may have been the issue.  Its supposed to kind of make noise at first when you put the coal on it right (using coco naras).  I also had an issue deciding if I had put too much in the base, I know the stem needs to be covered by about half an inch right?  I cant remember if it is supposed to bubble when you pull on the hose.  I hope this helps sorry I don't have pics.  I hope I can get an idea of what I got wrong so I can smoke later, loll.   Thanks everyone!

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It should bubble when you pull from the hose. I'm assuming the bowl that came with it is an Egyptian bowl, so don't pack it too tight or you won't get much if any airflow. Also, what kind of shisha are you using? 

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Ok, yeah so it had the right amount of water in the beginning and I took some out, a mistake.  Yes an Egyptian bowl, and I probably made the made the mistake of mashing it in the bowl.  I was smoking Fantasia.  I think I have gotten a pretty good picture of my mistakes, such newb mistakes, lol, oh well.  I am going to try it again later with my mind refreshed on what the heck I need to be doing.  I actually have quite a stash to smoke, stuff brand new sealed in boxes.

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Thanks everyone for refreshing my poor old memory, and I was looking I have been a member here since I started smoking way back in 2008, wow.

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Hey, just a reminder, depending on what tobacco you're using you might wanna adjust how dense the pack is, with juicy tobacco I like to get it very fluffy and airy (as best I can) and get it a bit over the edge of the bowl then just gently press it down so its flush with the edge, so it denses up just a little from what I originally fluffed up in the bowl.

You're sure to get back into your stride, just don't be too bummed if a couple bowls don't work out at first :P
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Feel free to check out the "Beginner's Guide to Hookah" pinned to the top of this section. It goes over how to pack a bowl. Maybe it can help.

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