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Well I Think Its Time..........


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also including, Tanigers Standard bowl, Mya Mod Bowl, and a Clay bowl. Also a extra vase as well.

i have like 4tubs of shisha ranging around 75-200+grams....have to see when i get home.

also hose tips, tongs, MYA cage......and stuff added later happy.gif

**im in florida**

and No im not quiting for ever. Just trying to get in shape and i'll still be here for now, but MIA hookah Edited by djbomberto
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PM me what you are looking for for the QT. I MIGHT be interested, if the price is right of course. Thing is, I have a place I can get them for pretty cheap, and I wouldn't want to pay much more than what I can get it for locally. So if you could get more for it from another member, then by all means sell it to them, but I guess it doesn't hurt to PM me what you're ideally looking for.

I also MIGHT be interested in the 3Kings.

So like I said, hit me up via PM.

Sorry to see you quit for the time being, but I agree that health should be number one in the priorities list.
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