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Today Was A Weird Day...


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Today was filled with good things and bad things. Got a lot done. Went to Humboldt (which is where I now work) to visit some family friends and to give them some pictures my wife edited for them, and found out they were having a surprise birthday party later on. We said we would come back out later after shopping for some new shirts. Headed over to Jackson and hit up Ross. Got 4 awesome button-up shirts that were all around $10 each, and then also 3 t-shirts that I just couldn't pass up (each was like $7). I was pretty happy.


Then I decide we need to go to Wal-Mart to get a new shower head, as the one in the bathroom we use at the in-laws' house had a busted hose on the detachable part. I'm cruising down the main part in front of the store trying to decide which aisle to turn down. Ohh, this aisle looks good, and I start to make a left turn... Only to have a truck back into me. Apparently this 18 year old girl decided she wanted to go down the same aisle and backed into me to do so. Her father was with her in the truck and he was a totally cool guy. I'm EXTREMELY happy they had insurance. Pic attached of the damage it did to my vehicle. Of course, just a scratch on their bumper... I'm not even really that upset it happened, I'm just more dreading the headache it's going to be to get it fixed, and to make sure it's fixed right (gotta make sure the get a new decal and 35% tint on the door window). I was going to take it to a local body shop but my friend said to avoid. My dad said this shop in Memphis did an amazing job on his SUV when he was hit by a kid, so I may just take it there. Probably be easier to get a rental in Memphis anyway.


So then we head back to Humboldt and go to the party. It was a lot of fun, ate, sang karaoke, etc. Nice family to be around, and we got to meet a lot of new people. We're considering eventually moving there and going to their church (he's the pastor). I'm not even religious but his sermons I find very interesting. Anyway, we head out from there and go to our friends' house (they rent a house together) in Brownsville to watch Django Unchained (I've already seen it before but my wife and they had not). We get into town and stop at a gas station for Mexican Cokes and hear the tornado sirens. I never really get bothered by storms so I think nothing of it, but the wife starts freaking the f out. I calm her down, tell her it's no big deal, that the warning is probably almost over anyway. We arrive at their house and go inside like we normally do, expect no one is there. One of their cars is there, but not the other. That made sense to us, because one said he'd be there, and the other was going to Wal-Mart to get some stuff. We call him up and he said he's stuck in Wal-Mart because all the cashiers are "locked down" and won't check anybody out until 10. He told us our other friend was in the storm shelter right outside the house, lol. My response was, "Wait, so you're locked down in Wal-Mart, Luke's out in the storm shelter, and Brooke and I are just going to die in your house??" Lol. Luke popped in a few minutes later and Steven came home with no groceries. Turns out Wal-Mart dummies decided to stay locked-down for another 30 minutes, even though the warning had ended. So he left his cart up front and walked out, haha. We watched Django Unchained and they loved it just as much as I did. Really great movie.


Brooke and I leave there about 1:30AM. I turn right onto this road that runs right by the stadium. Everyone knows it's a 20 speed limit through there, but everyone acts like it's a 30. I have ever since I was 15 and driving with my hardship license. Anyway, there's a freakin' cop there. He pulled me over for going 32 in a 20. But even he knew it was silly, because of the way he talked. He asked for my license and said if everything checked out he was just going to give me a warning. Knew my record was clean as a whistle, so nothing to worry about. I did have to explain the damage from the accident earlier, as my driver's side mirror is disconnected and sitting in my backseat. I guess they were just trying to fill their quota by the end of the month by setting up that 20 zone as a speed trap, which is something I've never seen them do before. 


All in all, an odd day filled with good and bad events... After getting pulled over I decided it was time to get home and step away from my vehicle for a while, since all the bad stuff happened in it. :P



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damn kind of a bummer about the car, don't put getting it fixed for too long. My friends car got hit in the same spot, after about 2 months his door wouldn't open unless you pulled as hard as possible with 2 hands. Like you ssaid at least they had insurance. Sounds like you had fun at the party though.

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