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Chris's Movie Reviews Thread


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Trailer: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6b2XhXkPpg"]http://www.youtube.c...h?v=_6b2XhXkPpg[/url]

IMDB: [url="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1067583/"]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1067583/[/url]

Titanic, anyone?


Okay, so first thing I thought of after the movie was... did I just watch Titanic? Except here instead of on a ship, they're on a train that travels around for the circus. So basically, Rob Pattinson's character (he's actually pretty good in this film, compared to Twilight) hops on this train and starts working for August, the dude who runs everything. He meets August's wife, falls in love, yada yada yada... Not to worry, I haven't given anything away. You could tell all that from the previews. It's a good storyline, I like it a lot actually. But it's the same basic concept as Titanic. So if you liked Titanic, you should dig this.


Very good. Of course, Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz you knew were going to be good. Robert Pattinson was the one I had my doubts with. But he surprised me. I have watched the Twilight movies (Fiance dragged me along) and I didn't think he was that great. But he was good in this film. Very good. Maybe it was playing a vampire that was holding him back? But anyway, there were many diverse characters in this movie that made for some interesting acting. Especially the old guy. I'll admit, he made me tear up a bit at the end.

Quality of movie:

Excellent. You can tell this movie had a good-sized budget. CG was done well, the animals were well-trained... it all felt legit and real. That 's how I like films to make me feel.


For a movie that my fiance dragged me to (she read the book first), I wasn't expecting much. But this film pleasantly surprised me, and I left the theatre with "one of those feelings." You know, how a film you just saw that you really liked can make you feel. I would definitely watch it again. I'm sure the fiance will be getting this one on DVD, and I'll probably be the one buying it. :P



1. If it's absolute shit, I'll say it's Hookah-Hookah.
2. If it's eh, it's Starbuzz.
3. If it's decent, it's Al Fakher.
4. If it's pretty good, it's Nakhla.
5. If it's really good and I recommend you seeing it, then it's Tangiers.

Tangiers. See it.
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[u][b]SAW V[/b][/u]

Trailer: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00cHLr90SgA"]http://www.youtube.c...h?v=00cHLr90SgA[/url]

IMDB: [url="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1132626/"]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1132626/[/url]


I actually really liked the story on this one. I went into this movie feeling like "Oh, it's gonna suck because it's a sequel and they're just drawing this shit out as much as possible." Quite the opposite. Jigsaw may be dead, but he's got someone to carry on his legacy. And then there's this other man on his trail. I won't say anymore. But I feel like they did a good job with it. One thing I really like about these movies are the flashbacks, where we see WHY things happen. They give you little by little, and it all fits together like a puzzle, and you go "ohhhhh." Pretty neat. Not many movies do that.


Acting in this one was quite good. I'd say Mark Hoffman was a little eh, I wasn't too crazy about him. But overall acting was good.

Quality of movie:

Very good. I like the style of editing, the lighting used... it all just works.


Overall, I suggest you see this movie if you're a fan of the Saw movies. I still like the original one best, it mindfucked me the most, but these sequels they're popping out are still of good quality. Great horror movies, I think. Some of the best.



1. If it's absolute shit, I'll say it's Hookah-Hookah.
2. If it's eh, it's Starbuzz.
3. If it's decent, it's Al Fakher.
4. If it's pretty good, it's Nakhla.
5. If it's really good and I recommend you seeing it, then it's Tangiers.

I give this one a Nakhla.
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[u][b]SAW 3D[/b][/u]

Trailer: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l1oCG6IVXE"]http://www.youtube.c...h?v=-l1oCG6IVXE[/url]

IMDB: [url="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1477076/"]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1477076/[/url]


And so it all comes to an end! This is the seventh and final Saw movie, and after I finished it I was mindfucked. I was also sad that it was over. This one brings a conclusion to Hoffman vs. Jill and also follows another man's game- Bobby Dagan, who is making a fortune from telling his story of survival from one of Jigsaw's traps. I won't say much, as I don't want to give any of it away. Just watch it. If you've seen the previous ones, and even if you didn't like some of them, you should like this one. I'll only say this- this one brings it back home; brings everything back full-circle. I just love it when films do that!


Same as the others. I thought they all did quite well in the one. Even Hoffman as a demented man.

Quality of movie:

Just like the others. The coolest scene that was really different and out of the ordinary from previous Saw films is at the beginning, the very opening sequence. You gotta watch it.


Overall, I loved this film. It had a huge "wtf" moment at the end, brought everything back full-circle, and brought a nice conclusion to the series. I was satisfied.



1. If it's absolute shit, I'll say it's Hookah-Hookah.
2. If it's eh, it's Starbuzz.
3. If it's decent, it's Al Fakher.
4. If it's pretty good, it's Nakhla.
5. If it's really good and I recommend you seeing it, then it's Tangiers.

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  • 2 weeks later...
[u][b]THE WAY BACK[/b][/u]

Trailer: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87kezJTpyMI"]http://www.youtube.c...h?v=87kezJTpyMI[/url]

IMDB: [url="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1023114/"]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1023114/[/url]


This film follows a group of men who manage to escape from the Siberian gulag during World War II. They must walk to freedom by heading south and eventually to India, over 4,000 miles. For me, this was a very captivating movie that gives you an inside look at how desperate those times were. The challenges they had to face were pretty intense, and it kept me glued to the screen the entire time. Note: It's a long movie.


Very quality acting. It's Jim Sturgess, Ed Harris, and Colin Farrell. Would you expect it to be bad? These guys performed phenomenally. Their accents were great. That's one thing that bothers me about movies- if the accents are bad, then it just messes up everything.

Quality of Movie:

Everything felt real. It felt like you were there suffering with these people at times. You got sucked in and wanted to see them survive. For me, only great quality can make this possible.


I loved this movie. I'm pretty much a sucker for these types of films, but I can say that this one was well done. It was interesting to see it from the Siberian gulag perspective instead of the German internment camps perspective. I never really knew Stalin did the same thing pretty much (except I know Hitler did far worse things). Anyway, a great movie that I recommend everyone see.



1. If it's absolute shit, I'll say it's Hookah-Hookah.
2. If it's eh, it's Starbuzz.
3. If it's decent, it's Al Fakher.
4. If it's pretty good, it's Nakhla.
5. If it's really good and I recommend you seeing it, then it's Tangiers.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 11 months later...
Bringing this thread back! Saw The Campaign and Total Recall double feature at the drive-in Sunday night...

The Campaign was very funny. Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis were hilarious together. Will Ferrell might as well have been playing Ricky Bobby from Talladega Nights, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Zach Galifianakis was definitely more unique (a
nd funnier in my opinion) in his role. Overall, funny movie with a good message at the end... Poked at the truth of our politics quite a bit.

Total Recall shouldn't have even been remade. It was pointless, and I enjoyed the original better. The original made more sense, and was more coherent/easier to follow.

So... Skip Total Recall, but make sure you see The Campaign.

Note: Conservatives/Republicans will not like The Campaign. :P
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[quote name='Chreees' timestamp='1305068130' post='508974']
[quote name='Dr. B' timestamp='1304228873' post='507680']
+1 for SLC punk. I wanna hear your take on the camera work

I'll check it out.
Bump on SLC Punk. One of my all time fucking favorites.
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