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Friends Pissed Me Off

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I get in to Pittsburgh a bit late and go over my buddy's place. He's got some lady friends over and they are interested in the hookah. The one in particular was actually steadily knowledged. Anyway, I am getting it set up and I hear the two guys that are my buddies, "hey, dude, put some NHT in it""cmon man, you're done with probation now and haven't smoked in a long time, pack it up." I told them thats not what its for and that it never will be for it, they wanna ruin one, get one of their own. They pestered me for some time, I told them off for sometime. More so they were pestering me to join them on NHT, they didn't want to take no for an answer, but had to. The final thing to piss me off was that the one took one of my hoses and ran into their smoke room with it and was trying to hook it up to his NH Water Pipe...he finally got it to fit when I got in there and I had to fight it outta him. He was pissed and so was I. He sat there and argued that I have two hoses, one could be for them with that stuff and the other for me. I told him to fuck off among other things and also told him to go buy his own.

I hate my stupid asshole friends

hey jordanneff, you remember m*** williams and lil' miske...it was them
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lol thanks

the reason they pester is because for 7 yrs or so, I was their NHT buddy, all day everyday. I quit when I had a run in with the law and never looked back. Now that I'm off probation, they want me back and I won't go back.
But ya, its dick they gotta act like that and not respect my decisions in life...
And to say, I haven't even seen 1/10 of my friends here yet, I can't imagine the hell I'm gonna go through like this...
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I didn't think that would even be appealing to that group of people either...they usually wanna be able to load up and get on the go with their thing...hookah takes time and skill. And we all know they don't have skill under the influence lol
Its a shame that some people gotta sit there and try to ruin a good thing
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People constantly ask why hookah when you don't use NHT at parties, Gets tedious but that's what you get when people see the thing and realize you don't use it for NHT.

If they don't respect you, eraticate the poison.

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that sucks man but i know what you go through.....my friends and people on my floor CONSTANTLY ask that and it is just so annoying man....now that i got my new hookah i here it more than ever...and i just flipped a few days ago saying that my hookah aint for that shit....its B/S im not ruinning my hookah for something like that especially because its brand new
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i agree with you guys. think about it, we already look like idiots when we smoke in public, all it takes is an officer doing a nht test, i dont want that shit coming back positive. im too much of a puss to be on the "other side"
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I would have kicked my friends gluteous maximuses for that. WTF you don't ruin a good hookah for that shit! Unless of course you specifically bought it for that one reason and don't ever smoke any good tobacco in it. Sorry dude, I guess never expose your hookah to them again.
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Just tell them that it isn’t as efficient. If they think they won’t get as messed up they will certainly back off. In addition, say it will ruin the flavor of future sessions. Those two responses have always been sufficient to dissuade my friends. They generally still want to smoke a hookah that generates amazing (untainted) flavor later. Edited by John Stuart Mill
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That's just not cool. Luckily I goto a school where hookah is very prevalent and people know that many people take hookah seriously and would not let NHT near it. Me, I get really pissed when someone even dares suggesting it. It ruins the good name of hookah which is sacred to many of us here. Tobaccy all the way!
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So I've always wondered. Do NHTs screw up your hookah permanently somehow? My roommate decided to use my hookah without my permission one time and loaded it up with NHT. I was pretty pissed. I washed it out but is there something more I should be doing? Is my hookah somehow damaged now?
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ya, hookah won't be around them anymore...

and as far as I know, NHT won't screw up the hookah, but there will be semi perminent NHT residues throughout it...that can get ya in trouble...
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I'm glad I don't hang out with people like that.

A couple of my friends who don't know would ask once, take the answer, and leave it alone.

I refuse to hang out with assholes anymore.
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I went to see some friends of mine on Friday night and they have been bugging me to bring my Hookah with. They too said put NHT in it, and I told them no way it is not used for that, and they left it at that. So that was cool. It kinds sucks to smoke with people who do not know much about Hookahs. They were still smoking cigs too and it ruined my session. They did not really seem to enjoy it too much, but they did like the flavor for sure, but they said we only have to carry a pack of ciggys around and look at all the stuff you need. I was like it is not that big of a deal and I set it up and we were smoking in 15 minutes.
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ive gotten the whole illegal crap once and it pissed me off. i tried to smoke outside downstairs but no one wanted to be around me when i was smoking my hookah, so i had to move it away from everyone. their excuse they didnt want the hookah to "smell" up their rooms. i told them it wont, but they didnt believe me. meanwhile there were ppl smoking right next to the same people and they didnt mind
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