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Anyone Think This is Viable

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So a bunch of people have been trying to get the most variety of flavors/brands with spending the least amount of cash. If one company were to buy tobacco in bulk and make sampler packs of 10 grams a piece of either a brand (you get all 18 rommon)or a flavor(you get an AF strawberry GS Strawberry rommon strawberry) would you guys use this. I mean tobacco is relativly cheap but even with small 50 gram packs it adds up quickly if you are trying to sample a large amount of flavors it cost about 70 bucks for me to get all the rommon flavors. So basically if someone offered a way to get 10 grams little packets you could sample all 18 flavors of rommon for 20-30 bucks. If people really respond to this i might try and do a little start up bussiness.
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Hookah-Hookah is expected to come out with 20 new flavors in the next 6
months or so,  that'll mean they'll have around 30 samples to
try.  They're also going to be making available sample packs of
all their flavors.  The sample packs will be in the size of a
bowl,  so you'll get an ample supply to sample.

Hookah-Shisha is also coming out,  in the near future,  with
around 30 new flavors,  according to Sami, the owner of
Hookah-Shisha.  I don't know if they'll have sample packs for all
those flavors,  though.
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sounds good..but...
1)Sounds very labour intensive..you want to spend the rest of your life weighing out little 10g baggies of wet, sticky, clumped ma'asell? And how much is your time worth? Folks tend to forget to pay themselves when starting a business and you don't want to work for free.
2)If you offer an 18 flavour sampler, and your supplier is back ordered on 3 of them at a time...you are down to a 15 bag sampler, are you going to adjust your prices every time you run out of one flavour?
3)What are the laws in your home state about tobacco sales? While you are going to sell on the internet you often are still bound by local laws where ever you are based.
4)You have to pay extra to accept credit cards as payment. Big companies can pass the cost along, plus they get charged a lower rate by banks for their volume in sales. Just getting started you are going to pay a lot more to be able to accept credit card payment, which will drive your prices up.
5)And the final "rain on his parade" thing I can think of is how FAST can you fill 10g baggies full of wet, sticky, clumped ma'asell? You go online and suddenly get 100 orders you better be ready to ship out 1,800 baggies, all to the right place, with the right postage, and the correct billing, in a VERY short period of time. Otherwise you are going to have the other 80 people beating down your door.
Other than that I think its a great idea...
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If it were viable I'd definitely buy it...a small sampler pack such as this seems like a much better option since with shipping and duty Roman is just to expensive for me to try here in Canada when I do not yet know which flavours I like....Mushrats points are valid and I do not know much about business but I can see newcomers definitely going for this....
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it would be neat but would probly have to be put out by the company, i
doubt any store will take the effort to break up boxes into into
sample packs, altho IF they took the effort i would buy em *hint hint*
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heck yah..I'd buy it too mind you. But I don't think Reaper would find its quite what he expected if he tried to do it himself is my point....
Now, a few folks informally getting together as sort of a co-op to buy some flavors and split them among themselves might work. Each person take a turn ordering the ma'asell and doing the dividing, kinda to spread the fun. Say 10 people who want to try a particular flavour. Someone orders it, divide the total price by 10, they split it up into reasonably even portions and send them out. The other 9 people pay their 1/10 plus shipping. All at no profit and as I said, everyone takes turns on the ordering/splitting duty.
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