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Worst Job Ever


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QUOTE (james)
I owned/operated a septic cleaning service in high school.  Averaged $75 an hour, worked about three to five hours per week.

Worst.  Job.  Ever.  Hands down.

No stories.  It just sucked, and I felt the need to share.

At least you got paid pretty damn good
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Well, I don't know about worse jobs, But I have plenty of stories.

I've been working a steady job since I was thirteen years old, the first of which was at a local dog kennel. This kennel had a huge customor from local dog rescues, that needed the extra space.

One particular rescue was a great dane rescue. Great Danes, in general, have had alot of genetic tampering over the years, from people (breeders of ill repute) constantly cross breeding, and inbreeding the things to make the perfect dog, because Danes are popular show dogs. In other words, they already have had their mental waves or whatever stunted. There are nice ones of course, but you never know anymore....

At any rate, I went into the Danes pen. She was considred one of the sweetest dogs we had ever cared for at the time, and we were confused as to why she needed to be rescued to begin with. I walked in, sat her food down on the ground like usual, patted her on the head, she licked my hand, and I turned around. Once I turned around I heard her go beserk. A short wrestling match later, I had her headlocked, my legs wrapped around her middle, and squeezed for dear life until somebody noticed me and noosed her so I could get out.

I have more stories, but thats one of the better ones.
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working at Hollywood Video. now it doesnt sound that bad but i dealt with alot of assholes. One that made me hate the job was one asshole, came in set movies down and as i was about to charge it to his debit card it pops up that it was denied. i tell him that he says hell go get some money from his truck. (from this point everything goes normally) then when he gets back he threatens me, saying are you sure that its declined, are you being a smart ass? cause i want to beat the fu** out of smart asses. (on a note this dudes much bigger than me, probably from steroids, gave muscle but burned brain cells) eventually he calms down and just walks out, i tell my manager the story when he gets off lunch and he laughs
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QUOTE (SanguineSolitude)
wait... you still have respect for humanity?

working in some of the places that i have, no i have no respect for most of humanity. when i worked for cingular, i had one guy come in the store and actually throw his phone at me because i told him his phone wasnt under warranty any more. I've had people tell me that they were gonna come down to my store and kill me if i didnt credit there bill. I had one guy come in and when we took his phone apart, sheetrock fell out of the battery compartment all over my desk. I ask him about it and he says that "it's morning dew". I told him the phone wasnt covered under warranty and he grabs the phone from me, walks over to the door, and says, "heres what i think about your fuckin service!" and chucks the phone out in the middle of the highway. gotta love the cell phone business!!
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another thing i found funny when i worked for hollywood video were people with fines. Now yu talk to the people about fines they either freak out or calmly say ok. The funny part were people with 50 dollar and up fines were the ones saying oh ya ill pay XX amount. the peopl with the 2 dollar fines are the ones that freak out. "No, i brought that back on time." (and they agrue with me even though i show them proof that it was late) "I never rented that" (id pull up records of movies rented the same day) did you rent this, this and this? " yeah, why?" well when you rented these you rented this on the exact same day, exact same time.

so yeah working with public made me lose all respect for humanity
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OMG I totally feel ya...4 yrs at Blockbuster in a richy neighborhood...fucking horrible people....and exactly same reactions out of people! Killed me when they drove up in a brand new BMW but would flip over a 4 dollar late fee...fuck i hate snobby people...
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Well at least none of you were getting paid just above min wage to clean shit (literally) off of dead people. Do that for a while and then let's talk. But honestly, I do feel your pain. At least the dead are dead. (until they start to twitch)
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QUOTE (kitefanatic)
Well at least none of you were getting paid just above min wage to clean shit (literally) off of dead people. Do that for a while and then let's talk. But honestly, I do feel your pain. At least the dead are dead. (until they start to twitch)

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daycare. i love kids but if the kids i worked with are the future of humanity, i fear. there were a couple good kids, but they will wear you out. but that wasnt to bad, worst job iv had was moving company. people are the worst when your handleing thier shit. they dont care that its just you moving a 200 pound object through a 3 foot wide door, they care that you gently bumped the door with said object while crushing your fingers.
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I worked at a golf course for a while. Fun job, free golf at a private club anytime I want to play. Anyways the only bad part was on tournament days when I had to be there at 5 am to fucking open, then catch all the bullshit that when a putt was missed on the 9th hole it was my fault cause I was driving a cart 25 yards away in the background.

Should have heard the excuses they would say about how they should take 1 stroke off because I ruined their "perfect" day. I got payback on 1 asshole though. He was in the club bar when I came in and he started bitching to his buddies that I was the one who ruined his game a couple days back at the tourney. I turned to him from behind the bar and said something to the extent of. "excuse me sir, if you are implying that your suck ass game was my fault, I think your should take a look at that score card that reads 27 over par. Thats right, didn't you come in last?" The bar went silent for about a minute while everyone looked at this guy then this drunk golfer in the back burst out laughing.

Never heard from him again, he would play all the time, but never even looked at me when I was around.

Working a corners place I think would be the worst job ever. Well besides working at a waste management facility.
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  • 1 month later...
i worked at diedrich's coffe in malibu for about 2 years. HELL it was. people in malibu are some of the cheapest bitches.(i worked pizza delivery also ... ) it turns out they are too cheap to want to pay for soy or extra stuff in there drink but expect it to be added anyways, and they wanted it added without telling you. try having 20 customers in line, and having to remake someones drink 3-4 times cause they are to stupid to tell you exactly how and what they want in their coffee. MEAH
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