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who are PETA?

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Lol. I'm I guess what you would call an Animal Welfare activist. PETA are Animal Rights activists. The difference? Basically, PETA tries to force their 'religion' on others in brutal and untactful ways. They're actually trying to push the governor of Pennsylvania to enforce a new law... One that would make it illegal for anyone that has a kennel license to keep dogs in their homes or in their backyards. Basically, if anyone knows what a puppy mill is, PETA supports puppy millers and is trying to outlaw home breeders that treat their breeding pets as FAMILY PETS. An Animal Welfare activist can be vegetarian, vegan or meat-eater, whatever, they just want people to be humane towards animals. I'm an AWA, and I LIKE to eat MEAT! Lol. I do feel that someone who abuses animals should be abused back, but I'm not actually going to start beating on someone! If you own a pet, then basically, you're going against PETA. They don't actually try for ethical treatment of animals, they want all pets to be non-existant in the future, because it's cruel to keep a pet... Ah, anyways, I'm going to "/rant" before I get too heated and blabbering.
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[quote name='Kitty']Lol. I'm I guess what you would call an Animal Welfare activist. PETA are Animal Rights activists. The difference? Basically, PETA tries to force their 'religion' on others in brutal and untactful ways. They're actually trying to push the governor of Pennsylvania to enforce a new law... One that would make it illegal for anyone that has a kennel license to keep dogs in their homes or in their backyards. Basically, if anyone knows what a puppy mill is, PETA supports puppy millers and is trying to outlaw home breeders that treat their breeding pets as FAMILY PETS. An Animal Welfare activist can be vegetarian, vegan or meat-eater, whatever, they just want people to be humane towards animals. I'm an AWA, and I LIKE to eat MEAT! Lol. I do feel that someone who abuses animals should be abused back, but I'm not actually going to start beating on someone! If you own a pet, then basically, you're going against PETA. They don't actually try for ethical treatment of animals, they want all pets to be non-existant in the future, because it's cruel to keep a pet... Ah, anyways, I'm going to "/rant" before I get too heated and blabbering.[/quote]

wait so they like how puppy mills treat animals? (from what i understand they dont treat animals very well) rather than breeders that actually take care of animals?
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That's how it appears, and Rendell is stupid enough to go along with it... Puppy millers don't care about their dogs. They just want to maximize puppy production to increase their profit, no matter what the cost on the dogs. And PETA is trying to have a law passed in Pa that won't allow kennel license owners to have dogs in their homes or their back yards. This doesn't allow for breeders to treat their breeding dogs (or any dogs for that matter) as pets, but only as breeding stock, like puppy mills.
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Yes, apparently, PETA wants to end slavery of animals. I guess we'll just have herds of wild dogs roaming the streets, which we will have to shoot, since wild, feral dogs are quite dangerous. Cows of course, would also roam freely, and they would get onto freeways and snarl traffic. Pigs could rum amok, too. Of course, these animals have little survival capabilities compared to the predatory cats we'd release from the zoos. Happy little parades of minks would grace our downtown districts. Racoons would play in the forest with Bambi and Yogi the Bear. We'd have to get guns to protect ourselves...the way people did in colonial times, losing family members to wild animals...when animals weren't enslaved and ran free. PETA is just another idiotic extremist dodge to bilk money out of impressionistic suckers. They are ignorant, short-sighted hypocrites. I'm higher on the food chain. If man hadn't herded (enslaving animals) or particiapated in animal husbandry (keeping them as pets), we'd still be cavemen. Thats what PETA stands for, cavemen. I would, secretly, sacrifice every member of PETA to save one puppy...or a ham sandwich...or a shrimp salad...or civilization. PETA goals are completely incompatible with humanity and civilization...they should ally themselves with AL Queda and dwell in caves together, screaming about American ignorance and keeping up with each other's terrorist attack strategies.

Thank you for your attention...go eat some meat and throw mink coats at members of PETA.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I just glanced at this heading with the corner of my eye, and wanted to mention something that happened at my own school the other day. I was sitting in a group with my peerchefs, and we were talking about the best method to knock off a lobster. One of then newer people in the school was saying that his lobster he had made was tasting off, and thats how we came about the subject. Most people just boil the lobsters alive straight off, thinking that it makes them "fresher". In reality, when you do that, youre effectivly putting the animal to a slow miserable death, which in turn makes it release a great deal of chemicals, which make the meat taste off sometimes, not to mention makes it tense up, and less tender. The best way to do it, is to stab the lobster right behind the head, severing the spinal cord, and ending it.

Anyway...in the middle of the conversation, this girl (rather unfortunate looking girl), came up and started bitching at us, saying how insensitive we were, morbid, etc etc etc. At any rate, we found out that she was a vegetarian. And pretty stupid.

You see, while she and my friends were arguing, I glanced over at the can of VEGETABLE soup that she had been eating for her lunch. (We were in the student lounge). I reached over and picked the can up, took a sharpie from my pocket (a good cook alway carries a sharpie) and circled a key ingrediant. I handed it to her, and she read what I circled...beef broth.

She THREW the can into the garbage, grabbed all her stuff, and stormed off with out saying another word, rather embarrased. I wonder if I scarred the poor girl. XD the best part? On her bag, was a PETA sticker.

Did I just win?
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typically they recommend splitting up the middle of the lobster since thats where its nervous system is. it doesnt have a centralized ns so this works well. boiling alive does affect the quality of hte meat. heck steamed lobsters taste better anyways
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QUOTE (Macho555)
You know, I've never tried to steam one? That sort of irritates me...I'll do it this year for New Years, when we stuff ourselves with seafood. biggrin.gif

When you steam them, be sure to add some rosemary, thyme, or some other herbs you enjoy under /around the lobster. It imparts light flavor into the meat which is quite pleasant IMO
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Cutting them in halve pretty much does the same thing as stabbing them, the only thing is, all you have to do is miss by just a little bit to give it the same affect as boiling. Sever the cord, and they have no more control, and they die straight off. I usually split them down the middle when I'm doing things that I want the lobster mustard for, or when I'm using their shells for something. I make a stuffed lobster to die for. I graduate in three months, then I have my externship. They tried to send me to this seafood restuarant in Philly, but I just didn't want to drive three hours every day just to reek of fish.
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You know, I've always wanted to try stuffing a lobster, what's the basic process for this? Do you essentially:

Steam/boil it a few minutes
Ice it
Cut it in half and stuff it
Put it in the oven


You should lend me a few lobster recipes
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Oohhhh, that PETA sucks picture is horrible!!!! That is just horrible. I don't like PETA or anything but I love rabbits. I love rodents in general. That is horrible to see. I would feel less sorrow from seeing a bunch of humans strewed out to spell that. Infact I would feel any sadness at all of seeing that. I have plenty of misanthrope inside of myself to go around.
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QUOTE (Captain Courageous)
Oohhhh, that PETA sucks picture is horrible!!!! That is just horrible. I don't like PETA or anything but I love rabbits. I love rodents in general. That is horrible to see. I would feel less sorrow from seeing a bunch of humans strewed out to spell that. Infact I would feel any sadness at all of seeing that. I have plenty of misanthrope inside of myself to go around.

It's not a "PETA Sucks" picture, it's from a comic book distributed by PETA telling kids that if your mommy cooks meat or wears a fur coat, she personally tortures defenseless woodland creatures.
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LMAO I still think that picture is the most hilarious thing I've seen in a while. The comic book thing is pretty funny to, plus pretty pathetic that they would stoop that damn low to injure the minds of children.
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QUOTE (Captain Courageous)
Oohhhh, that PETA sucks picture is horrible!!!! That is just horrible. I don't like PETA or anything but I love rabbits. I love rodents in general. That is horrible to see. I would feel less sorrow from seeing a bunch of humans strewed out to spell that. Infact I would feel any sadness at all of seeing that. I have plenty of misanthrope inside of myself to go around.

I love rabbits too. If you go to Mexico, they have this really cool way of making rabbit tacos, better known as coňejo. Some people eat rat, but I don't like rat. I've never tried it, don't think I'm gonna short of WWIII, but rabbit is excellent. Go and eat some now.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Peta > the dark lord Satan himself.

unless you are refering to the People for the Eating of Tasty Animals. Then PETA = The glorious Lord (insert random celestial being here) himself.


BTW. Did you know cows produce enormous amounts of greenhouse gasses? If left alone Bovine would single handedly destroy earths atmosphere and kill ALL life on this planet. So to save humanity and all other animals we must curb the population or else be destroyed. So, remember EAT BEEF!
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