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Senator Vitter's Family Values

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Well his name (well phone number) shows up yesterday on the DC Madam's list and now another madam says he frequented her establishment. This guy was as hardcore "family values" and criticize the hell out of anyone he viewed otherwise this is quite funny.
Hillary Clinton took a lot of grief for saying she was not a Tammy Wynette "Stand by your man". This guy's wife in a 2000 took a jab at her and said that if her husband ever did that she would be more like Lorena Bobbit than Hillary Clinton. So now I guess she is fair game to kick when she is down? Repubs had a field day and there is even Youtube vids mocking her about it.
To me there is nothing worse than a hypocrite. So here is to the latest Mark Foley Follie http://www.wdsu.com/news/13657113/detail.html
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I actually think it is a good thing when someone that acts really sanctimonious gets hammered like that. Hell, people have been doing what he did forever. But his whole political career was mostly a lie.
Instead of running on ideas and getting things done he berated lowly sinners.
It needs to become very taboo to play that shit in politics. Conservatives try and act as though they are the only people with morals need a Jimmy Swaggart now and then to remind them they are easily bullshitted.
Ideas and actions trump ideals and talk.
We need to be more realistic. We need to find a hookah smoker that tells shit like it is and not what people are just wanting to hear.
How ya doin' Davey? Sorry I been bitchy lately. That whole Libby thing set me off sad.gif
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It is all good, my man. We all become cranks at times! It is excellent that you are passionate about something that is so important to be passionate about. In addition to hookah, that is. wink.gif

Most people don't even know who their local, state or even federal representatives are let alone have the ability to criticize them in an intellectual fashion.

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The Devil's Advocate here!

When have you ever met a politician that WASN'T for family values? What aspect of this pisses you off the most? The fact that he's a hyprocit? As someone who works inside the beltway, I can tell you that 90% of Congress is just that. +
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Well not all politicians run on a platform that refer to the opposition party as immoral, etc. It is one thing to support family values and a whole other to be an asshole about it like this guy has been.
A lot of conservatives think they have the market cornered on religion and they are the most intolerant of any religion other than theirs.

I think Ann Coulter has a book called God-less or something. As though that psycho bitch is some sort of Christian. I think the only repub running for prez that has not been married more than once is the mormon.... is that ironic or what.
And no this is not a shock to me but if somebody tries to tell me how immoral Clinton is and play up Bush as a righteous man I tell them they are idiots.

More rightwingers have won elections by bashing others "family values". Family values don't pay the light bill. It may be an effective way to get in the door but as GW shows it does not buy him a clue on what to do once he got there. The ones who play that card and end up like this need a little more than the average grief thrown their way.
Vitter replaced Bob Livingston who was set to replace Newt Gingrich and every damn one of them ridiculed Clinton for sexual indiscretions. It turned out every one of these "conservatives" were as freaky or worse than he was. I don't recall Clinton ever criticizing any person for sexual infidelities at any time in his political career.
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"I think the only repub running for prez that has not been married more than once is the mormon.... is that ironic or what. "

Off-topic, but the Mormon church ostensibly banned polygamy in the mid-19th century: it was a condition of Utah becoming a state.
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QUOTE (Scalliwag @ Jul 11 2007, 02:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well not all politicians run on a platform that refer to the opposition party as immoral, etc. It is one thing to support family values and a whole other to be an asshole about it like this guy has been.

Do you have linkage to any of his more egregious offenses?

I don't recall Clinton ever criticizing any person for sexual infidelities at any time in his political career.

But I *do* recall Nancy Pelosi criticizing businesses that don't provide health insurance and pay minimum wage while companies owned by her and her husband don't offer those same benefits. And I *do* recall someone else from Louisana who got caught with 90K in his freezer by the FBI while that same Nancy was talking about the party of corruption. And I *do* recall Hillary nailing Bush for commuting Libby (it was a sneaky thing to do) and conveniently forgetting that her hubby pardoned a whole mess of people, including those that gave more than the allowed amount to his campaign.

Democrat doodoo stinks too, and they ARE hypocrits. They just aren't over sex practices.
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jonny_lech is right: it goes both ways in politics. Everyone is just so eager to criticize the "other" party that they conveniently forget all about their own party's mistakes.

This is (among many other reasons) why this country needs a viable multi-party system.
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QUOTE (ahwahoo2006 @ Jul 11 2007, 03:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is (among many other reasons) why this country needs a viable multi-party system.

Amen to that. I seem to recall the late Bill Hicks and his routine where he has the epiphany that one guy has his hand up both puppets.
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Maybe we should make a chart with right and left columns and add up the different scandals and prosecutions? It was not Nancy's fault the congressman got caught with money in a freezer... it was a one man show. But how many people are tied to the Jack Abramoff scandal? There were multiple representatives involved and their staffers and their wives (some were given jobs, etc.) They were on the take as a group. Sure both stink. One is a much bigger pile of shit.

But not knowing that one member had some shit going on the side is like finding out your brother is a mass murderer. It didn't mean you knew.
Clinton did not commute or pardon anybody at anytime in his administration convicted of anything related to actions of his administration. GW's Dad pardoned almost his entire administration on Christmas Eve 1992 related to Iran Contra after he lost the election to Clinton. These were people that had the goods on Papa Bush's involvement. Sure all stink. The piles of shit are different size and different smells.

Sure they all have their problems but when I think of things like illegal wiretaps or selling arms to terrorists or ruining our entire standing in view or respect from the rest of the world, I think of Nixon, both Bush's, Cheney, Rumfield and their entire party that kicked back and pretended everything was okay.
Now they are paying dearly for it.

There is a difference in getting a blowjob by someone other than your wife and secretlyselling arms to terrorists as in Iran Contra. When I speak to someone that seems to have a little intelligence and they see a blowjob as the end of the world and an entire administration conspiring to sell/trade arms to a terrorist country I think that person is an idiot or ignorant.
I used to hear repubs whine how everyday Clinton was taking away their rights but they have sat by with their heads up their dumb asses while habeus corpus was thrown out the window.

At least the terror threat level does not move everytime a repub gets in trouble anymore. So sure shit stinks but pull my finger before and after jalapenos and see if you cannot tell a di"stink"ed difference! smile.gif
Think this dickhead Vitter owes everyone he ever condemned for adultery an apology and then he should resign just like he expected others to. He even called for the resignation of Bob Livingston from his own party over it.
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QUOTE (jonny_lech @ Jul 11 2007, 10:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you have linkage to any of his more egregious offenses?

If you are talking about "more egregious offences" as worse than just being a hypocrite I don't know. I know that getting services from a prostitute is an actual crime and that is the part that should get him impeached from the senate since it is only fair. After all lying about a BJ under oath was good enough to some right?

As far as links to? There are links to his hypocrisies but that seems obvious. Calling on Livingston and Bush to resign, etc.
But he has admitted to soliciting at least one prostitute so there is an "underlying" crime here.
As far as I know no one has mentioned he could be charged along with the DC Madam.
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QUOTE (Scalliwag @ Jul 11 2007, 06:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maybe we should make a chart with right and left columns and add up the different scandals and prosecutions? It was not Nancy's fault the congressman got caught with money in a freezer...

But it IS Nancy's fault when she preaches one thing and practices another with her business deals. She ain't the only one either.

Clinton did not commute or pardon anybody at anytime in his administration convicted of anything related to actions of his administration.

Puh-lease. A few moments with google: http://www.providence.edu/polisci/students...gh_profile.html

And there's more out there.

While trying to keep a tally of who's pile of shit is bigger sounds amusing, it's innately arbitrary.
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I fail to see your point Jonny. You posted a link to the Marc Rich pardon written by a student on a college website? Was Marc Rich a member of the Clinton administration? No. When did he pardon him? The last day of office.
Bill Clinton could have pardoned Susan McDougal before she served a year and a half in prison. He could have said that she was being unfairly targeted because she was.
Guess what else? All the excuses repubs are using about how presidents have an inherant right to pardon did not keep them from having hearings after he left office in 2001 did it? They already covered it.

You either did not read what I said or conveniently pretended not to notice. What part of "Clinton did not commute or pardon anybody at anytime in his administration convicted of anything related to actions of his administration. The whole puh-lease part of your argument and posting that link never addressed what I said.

Where are the links to Nancy saying what you said that she said and her husband? I have not read that. It does not mean it is not true. But GW's Daddy pardoning his cabinet after he lost an election is out there plenty. Dems having hearings afterwards is not. Puh-lease find me where Clinton pardoned people that could testify against him as in the case of Libby whose own lawyers used the defense that he was a fall guy for the administration.

I can find you where GW said in the debate with Gore that he would not put us into a military conflict with no exit strategy... and I bet I can find us in a military conflict with no exit strategy. Putting up a sign that says "Mission Accomplished" and how many of our people have died since?

Just tell us Jonny that GW was a better president than Clinton so everybody can come to their own conclusion between us. Then maybe you and the other 29% of true believers can pretend you are right. smile.gif
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Scalli, I have *never* said that GW was a better president than Clinton. I do think Bill Clinton was a scum bag though, and just because GW is worse doesn't mean it ain't so! Don't tell me you've forgotten how much Al Gore tried to distance himself from Clinton. The Dems lost congress back then for the same reason the Reps lost congress in '06. They blindly stood by a leader who was in the wrong. Just because someone looks at the Dems and calls them out doesn't mean they're a 'republican true believer'.
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But with the examples you used were comparing apples to orangutans. Sure there is plenty of fault to find with dems but the reps are one helluva lot worse.
To even try and compare the scandals is ridiculous. The problem I see with the repubs is they have systematic corruption.
It was just released that the Bush administration is going to use executive priviledge in matters related to the death of Pat Tillman. With some of your arguments my guess would be that you are going to say that Clinton farted on an elevator and denied it, call it "Fartgate" and WA-LA there is somehow an offset.
Like I have said before I am sure that Germany had other parties with their share of faults in the 30's but I bet my bottom dollar they paled in comparison to the nazis.

Clinton was far from perfect but he was better than any of the repub presidents in the last 80 years. Just as Bush was the worst president of either party in American history. None were perfect. Some just sucked worse than others.
But repubs sold GW as the best they had to offer and we are living with their piss-poor judgement.
But I have to admit that they stick to a idea no matter how dumbass it is.... until the polls take a dive at least.
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For edification on the highest ranking Federal DNC member:


And this bit of favoritism,


Go read Peter Schweizer's book and you'll see that GOP definitely does not have a lock on being a hypocrit. Then let's talk about piles of poo. As for the original topic, I have yet to see anything that really talks about Sen. Vitter being a hypocrit other than him having a "Values Platform".

Her shit does stink. That said, I think all in all trying to argue with you on this seems fairly pointless. But even on your point about the DNC pile being smaller, wouldn't you say it's too big? Wouldn't you say America deserves better?

Ah, who cares. Let's get back to talking about your cool funnel mod. Afterall, isn't it our common ground that matters anyway?
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Sure Jonny, we'll just agree to disagree on some stuff smile.gif Like the stuff neither of us have any control over. sad.gif
We need a party called the "moderate" party that neither Cheney nor Pelosi are welcomed. The polar extremists of each party are the problem. I think Pelosi is less evil than Cheney. Cheney is evil in a selfish greedy draft dodging way and Nancy thinks government could fix everything.
But I think mankind has sought the perfect pile of shit since the beginning of time and so far no form of government has had a very good success rate when put to the test of time.
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