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Feeling Sick

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I smoked too much shisha and now I'm feeling like crap. Any tips to make me feel better? Anything? I'd search but I'm really feeling light headed and like crap. I stopped smoking about 40 min ago, only 1 bowl with 2 other people.
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I've never really gotten sick, ever, but I have gotten headaches after smoking too much. What I do is just drink water and take an advil or something. It also helps to eat something and not take headache meds on an empty stomach, so I try to get something down.
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Feeling sick usually is a combination of 2 things, nicotine and oxygen deprivation, which lead to a drop in blood pressure, and upset stomach.
Sugar while smoking (sprees, sweet tarts, bottle caps, soda, anything to keep the heart rate up), as well as something with some carbs (bread, especially toasted works best for me).
Basically, the same stuff for drinking.

And i apologize for being graphic here, but, after you get hookah-high, and you get hookah-sick, you end up taking what we have termed the hookah-dump, and then you are clear.
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Eat something and while you smoke drink some water or juice so you don't get dizzy. I smoke my hookah after i eat so i don't feel sick anyway man hope your doing fine and get well soon peace. smile.gif
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i always thought it was nicotine / o2 deprivation.

in reality, its probably more than that, its not even really oxygen deprivation, but breathable air, since air has nitrogen and other things as well...but either way, i think the fact that the heavy metals were found to be so high also cause the headache.

if i smoke a heavy cigar on an empty stomach, i dont really get a migraine, i get a strange sick feeling that instantly goes away as i eat. thats the nicotine.

also, i usually throw up, instantly feel better =/ but i stopped smoking as much as i did before, id get headaches every weekend. Edited by Scoop
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Something alittle better than typical water - green tea. I find it helps with preventing that "sick" feeling and "refreshes" the taste - sorta like eating pickled ginger between bites of sushi.
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When I smoke I always have some sort of snack and some juice or tea or a lot of times an alcoholic drink. Someone on hear saidc in a different thread it has to do with blood sugar, and I never get sick now if I eat somethin a lot of times fruit that goes along with the flavor of shisha.
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  • 3 weeks later...
i made a mixture of grape and mint shisha last night which produced the most ridiculously thick smoke. It was a seriously strong combination, which i couldnt handle and i started to feel sick after about 5-10 minutes. If you start feeling nauseous just stop while its light, it only ever gets worse!!

As for the cure, something starchy/carbohydrate-y and preferably stodgy works well. Yesterday night i ate a couple of naan breads which cured the nausea, they work really well so long as you dont let it get too bad first. I think they must sorta stop the liquid in your stomach sloshing around, thus restoring things to normality smile.gif

Oh, and for headaches while smoking, firstly stop smoking, then just take paracetemol/aspirin and sleep it off.
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