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Marvel Comic Movies


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I consider this to be serious, sooooo:

Just saw one of the countless previews for Ghost Rider, starring Nic Cage, and I got to say I'm starting to see a disturbing trend with these movies.

The guys (I forget his name, lash me) is only supposed to change into Ghost Rider when the blood of the innocent is spilt. However, it seems from the preview that he can change at will. Another note, has anyone seen X-Men 3? In none of the comics does Professor X die at the hand of Phoenix, nor does the Phoenix's powers allow her to dissolve the material around her. Nor does Magneto or Mystique lose their powers. Now, as I'm sure you've probably guessed by now, I'm a comic book freak. I'm really not enjoying this trend of taking liberties with these movies, as they inevitably produce far inferior movies. I understand there are limits in regards to money, time, etc., but I still feel that they can make movies much closer to the books. What do people feel about this?
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It probably has a lot to do with time restraints.

Remember, Stan Lee usually has his hand firmly on whatever movie has his name attached to it. Yet he even allows certain things to be altered. Example: Spiderman shoots webs from his forearm in the movies. In the original comic series, it was his scientific invention that allowed him to shoot webs. I know that in alternative universes and in retellings this is later changed.

Johnny Blaze (human form of Ghost Rider)'s movie could have been made to have him rage into the ghost rider when innocents are murdered but it might not fit the story they wrote as well.

Also, Magneto never permanently loses his powers... remember the ending? wink.gif He has lost his powers several times in the comic books.

I'm a closest comic book junky. Currently, I'm reading Moonknight, Spiderman Loves Mary Jane, DMZ, Thunderbolts, and a few others. What about you?
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prof x may not have ever been killed by phoenix, but he has been killed before. just like several of the mutants all lost there powers at the end of The House of M series. they never really go into Dark Phoenix's powers in total detail, but i believe that she could do what she did in the movie if she really wanted to.
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Also you have to realize marvel is behind these movies too, i mean, we are talking about comic books, anything can happen, and if you look at all the different spider-man series, things were different each time
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I have, since the second xmen movie, taken all comic book movies, and certain others, as there own things, and not really releated to the comics. Kinda like alot of the Alternate Universe type spinoffs alot of comics have, like spiderman and xmen have both had. Just another way at looking at what might have happened.

And some movies i just take as there own entity, i tend to enjoy the movies more that way.

And yea X-Men 3 had pissed me off, but if it wasnt taken as an xmen movie, just another sci-fi movie, it was pretty awesome. Same thing with Ghost Rider, Spider Man, and other movies....
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