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back to my roots

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i was not in the mood to clean out my big hookah today so i got out my
old little hookah, cleaned it out and man, i forgot how nice it is,
there is no difference in the smoke but its small sizze makes it much
easier to work with, however it doesnt have a release valve so i tihnk
i will be buying another small hookah and put my 30 inch on the shelf
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mine is turkish, it is VERY good quality, much better than my egyptian
30 inch, but the lack of release valve is annoying, i tihnk i might end
up gettign taqseems 25 inch stargate hookah, it isnt small but its isnt
large and it breaks down into many parts for easy cleaning, i cud
probly just take it apart, brush it out and finish it off in the
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theres a place by me that has the same one as southsmoke for $45, so
with shipping, the place by me would be cheaper, that socialsmoke one
is quite nice but the taqseem one is even cheaper, im basicly choosing
between the one at my local place or the taqseem one
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thanks for the quick responses! looks like you can spend really as much as you want to on a small hookah. i  think i'm going to end up getting one of the smaller "medium size" hookahs, for a few friends and i to use in the apartment we're getting next semester. maybe a 1or 2 hose rotator or a triple-hose stationary around the same height. Is one kind better than the other or is it just personal preference? (And is auto-sealing a must have or just a nifty option?)
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