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Wild Strawberry


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[b][size="4"]Al Tawareg [color="#ff0000"]Wild Strawberry[/color][/size]

Hookah: [/b]Khalil Mamoon Yellow pear
[b]Bowl:[/b] Vortex
[b]Screen/Foil:[/b] Reynolds Heavy Duty
[b]Hose: [/b]Khalil Mamoon
[b]Coals: [/b]CH quicklights V3
[b]Base Liquid:[/b] Water

[b]Appearance:[/b] Gritty cut, sopping wet, dark brown color
[b]Nicotine:[/b] 0.5%
[b]Base: [/b]Honey & Glycerin
[b]Smell: [/b]Similar to Nakhla strawberry, without the tobacco undertone. For those of you who haven't smoked nakhla, it smells like those strawberry candies you got in parades, witht he wrappers that looked like strawberries.
[b]Taste:[/b] The taste was similar. I think Nakhla has a much better taste in this category, I enjoy the darker undertone to Nakhla. This is accurate to it's smell, just not a strong as I would have liked it.
[b]Smoke:[/b] Good Clouds
[b]Buzz:[/b] None
[b]Duration:[/b] 1 Hour

[b]Rating/Overall Thoughts:[/b] Again, I feel that Al Tawareg (unless they blow me away with a certain flavor) will be pinned as the guys who make accurate flavors, but nothing to buy. Along with so many others. It tastes liek it smells, like a strawberry candy. The clouds are fine, but the flavor isn't strong, and isn't as tasty as other brands make. I'd stay I'm going to stick with Tangiers and AF strawberry. This flavor is similar to Nakhla, for comparison. Overall, I'd say it's about a 7.5/10. Accurate flavoring and an easy smoke, but they haven't given anything new to the market, that's for sure.
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  • 3 years later...

Al Tawareg Wild Strawberry

Khalil Mamoon OG Tri-Metal
Bowl: Tangiers Mini Phunnel
Screen/Foil: Reynolds Heavy Duty
Hose: Nammor
Coals: Coconaras
Base Liquid: Water

Appearance: Tobacco and stemscut super fine, Golden
Nicotine: 0.5%
Base: Glycerin & Honey
Smell: Slight Strawberry
Taste: Strawberry
Smoke: Average Clouds
Buzz: None
Duration: 2 Hours

Purchased From: Hookah-Shisha.com

Overall: 8/10 The smell isn’t much to sniff at, but the flavor was an amazing surprise. It’s a more natural strawberry taste more than a candy taste. I like it but it’s not quite my favorite, but it’s very good. Probably would make a top 10 list near the bottom.

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