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Cherry Lemonade


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Cherry Lemonade

Set up: 32" Horas B Magdy Zidan, Standard MYA bowl, Nammor hose, lukewarm water, locally made natural coals

Cut: Typical Tangiers. Rough cut and more sticky than juicy

Smell: Lemondade with cherry!

Smoke: Excellent as always. Thunderous clouds.

Taste: Tart lemonade taste, cherry not as strong as expected from the taste but still present. Would have loved a little more cherry. Slight plastic taste tho...

Buzz: Typical incapacitating Tangiers

Overall: Being a fan of cherry flavors, a little more cherry would have been excellent. That and no plastic taste. The lemonade part was excellent though. Some slight improvement and it would earn a spot among my favorites. 8/10
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