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So called dead Mermaid

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I thought they had sea shell bikinis and red hair
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right, mermaid.
no sign of decomposition (an aquatic creature in the baking florida sun would show this, ESPECIALLY the eyeballs, which i couldnt help but notice were entire intact).
no sign of flies or other scavenger wildlife.
the position of the body definitly indicates that it was put there, there is no way an animal like that could make it that far out of water and lie there like that.
i also noticed a lack of sex organs and/or waste orifices. i know they are usually hard to see on fish, but this is supposedly humanoid... where are these features?
penn and teller did a great episode of Bullsh*t on cryptozoology. very funny.
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  • 3 weeks later...
holy crap we arent alone in the world are we? this proves what ive been trying to make people see, that there is a rare creature i have named as humanus idiotus, come together my friends and lets catch one and poke it with sharp sticks
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um if im diving and see something like that I would probably shit myself. even though its fake, sharks keep you on your edge depending on what it is and its size, but that well. I would surface and get on the boat asap
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