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Hope And Change... Again?


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Ok, so where are all the progressive freaks that were bashing Bushleague over the Patriot act? I seem to remember days of PMS-nbc, CNN, no-listener-air-america, and lib-blogs all going on for weeks on end, about how illegal, and invasive the patriot act, warrentless taps, yada, yada, were. Now, that no-bias-news-media sure isn't touching the fact a progressive-lib is seeking to get a far deeper bite out of your privacy.

Conceivably the location data could be used in place of speed cameras, to detect people violating mobile use laws (texting while driving, etc) The messiah's administration says you no right to any expectation of privacy when using your cell phone. How nice. Moreover, they want to be able to search data by location, with no target number at all. The want to be able to search for the # and account info (name/address) of anyone-everyone in a designated area at a particular time. To be able to request the info of everyone that may have witnessed, or been in an area of an "incident" at a particular time. No warrant, no cause, no justification.

The ridiculous fact is that every petty crook, and gang punk has known enough to get a burner since 2002! The only people the gov't seems to be wanting to monitor, would appear to be the general public as a whole.

Is this the change part... or the hope part? Is this what Liberals wanted? I really can't see why anyone would think it a good thing, but the progressive mindset completely misses me. (bet you never guessed) We preach to China, and Iran about "net neutrality" and "internet freedom", yet obummer's justice dept wants every provider to keep a record of every website visited http://www.itbusinessedge.com/cm/blogs/bentley/fbi-wants-isps-to-log-maintain-url-information/?cs=39258. Aye, that will be good for your freedom, and privacy. How long do you think it would be before businesses would be enjoying that information as part of your future employment? Your insurance company, and any gov't agency is harvesting your internet usage.

Looks like curious george all over... only worse.
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[quote name='TheScotsman' date='11 February 2010 - 09:48 AM' timestamp='1265910492' post='450959']

Ok, so where are all the progressive freaks that were bashing Bushleague over the Patriot act? I seem to remember days of PMS-nbc, CNN, no-listener-air-america, and lib-blogs all going on for weeks on end, about how illegal, and invasive the patriot act, warrentless taps, yada, yada, were. Now, that no-bias-news-media sure isn't touching the fact a progressive-lib is seeking to get a far deeper bite out of your privacy.

Conceivably the location data could be used in place of speed cameras, to detect people violating mobile use laws (texting while driving, etc) The messiah's administration says you no right to any expectation of privacy when using your cell phone. How nice. Moreover, they want to be able to search data by location, with no target number at all. The want to be able to search for the # and account info (name/address) of anyone-everyone in a designated area at a particular time. To be able to request the info of everyone that may have witnessed, or been in an area of an "incident" at a particular time. No warrant, no cause, no justification.

The ridiculous fact is that every petty crook, and gang punk has known enough to get a burner since 2002! The only people the gov't seems to be wanting to monitor, would appear to be the general public as a whole.

Is this the change part... or the hope part? Is this what Liberals wanted? I really can't see why anyone would think it a good thing, but the progressive mindset completely misses me. (bet you never guessed) We preach to China, and Iran about "net neutrality" and "internet freedom", yet obummer's justice dept wants every provider to keep a record of every website visited [url="http://www.itbusinessedge.com/cm/blogs/bentley/fbi-wants-isps-to-log-maintain-url-information/?cs=39258."]http://www.itbusines...tion/?cs=39258.[/url] Aye, that will be good for your freedom, and privacy. How long do you think it would be before businesses would be enjoying that information as part of your future employment? Your insurance company, and any gov't agency is harvesting your internet usage.

Looks like curious george all over... only worse.

I've been going over various bills and things going on over at both the House and Senate. (The tobacco tax thing led me to start looking around more than usual.) Reading some of what's been proposed has brought me to the conclusion that every freakin' politician we've got of all parties is a bloody whack job. Totally completely disassociated from reality. At the Federal level, the GOP decided to dig in their heels and not allow any change period just for the sake of being obstinate - despite the fact that there's a hell of a mess going on. They'd rather point fingers and say "Look he's not doing anything!" Democrats are sitting around with their thumbs up their ass bleeding rhetoric and accomplishing nothing either unless it involves something free to few in the name of the Republic at the cost of the many. The state levels are even worse - Big fish in their personal small pond mentality. Conservatives are refusing to acknowledge we need things to change. Liberals want change but only if it's to the advantage of welfare recipients. To hell with those who actually dare to take their own interests in their own hands and support themselves. Palin makes fun of teleprompters and can't keep junior high style crib notes off her hand. And then whines because the White House make fun of her in return. Edwards makes a sex tape with his mistress and then has to sue his own former staffer to get it back.

I'm so damned fed up with every damned one of them. I'm telling you we need to take away all their privileges, bring them back down to our level, and then see who actually cares about the country, the people in it and is still willing to serve. I'm guessing not a single one of the worthless bastards.

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[quote name='Rani' date='11 February 2010 - 02:02 PM' timestamp='1265918556' post='450974']
[quote name='TheScotsman' date='11 February 2010 - 09:48 AM' timestamp='1265910492' post='450959']

Ok, so where are all the progressive freaks that were bashing Bushleague over the Patriot act? I seem to remember days of PMS-nbc, CNN, no-listener-air-america, and lib-blogs all going on for weeks on end, about how illegal, and invasive the patriot act, warrentless taps, yada, yada, were. Now, that no-bias-news-media sure isn't touching the fact a progressive-lib is seeking to get a far deeper bite out of your privacy.

Conceivably the location data could be used in place of speed cameras, to detect people violating mobile use laws (texting while driving, etc) The messiah's administration says you no right to any expectation of privacy when using your cell phone. How nice. Moreover, they want to be able to search data by location, with no target number at all. The want to be able to search for the # and account info (name/address) of anyone-everyone in a designated area at a particular time. To be able to request the info of everyone that may have witnessed, or been in an area of an "incident" at a particular time. No warrant, no cause, no justification.

The ridiculous fact is that every petty crook, and gang punk has known enough to get a burner since 2002! The only people the gov't seems to be wanting to monitor, would appear to be the general public as a whole.

Is this the change part... or the hope part? Is this what Liberals wanted? I really can't see why anyone would think it a good thing, but the progressive mindset completely misses me. (bet you never guessed) We preach to China, and Iran about "net neutrality" and "internet freedom", yet obummer's justice dept wants every provider to keep a record of every website visited [url="http://www.itbusinessedge.com/cm/blogs/bentley/fbi-wants-isps-to-log-maintain-url-information/?cs=39258."]http://www.itbusines...tion/?cs=39258.[/url] Aye, that will be good for your freedom, and privacy. How long do you think it would be before businesses would be enjoying that information as part of your future employment? Your insurance company, and any gov't agency is harvesting your internet usage.

Looks like curious george all over... only worse.

I[b]'ve been going over various bills and things going on over at both the House and Senate. (The tobacco tax thing led me to start looking around more than usual.) Reading some of what's been proposed has brought me to the conclusion that every freakin' politician we've got of all parties is a bloody whack job. Totally completely disassociated from reality. At the Federal level, the GOP decided to dig in their heels and not allow any change period just for the sake of being obstinate - despite the fact that there's a hell of a mess going on. They'd rather point fingers and say "Look he's not doing anything!" Democrats are sitting around with their thumbs up their ass bleeding rhetoric and accomplishing nothing either unless it involves something free to few in the name of the Republic at the cost of the many. The state levels are even worse [/b]- Big fish in their personal small pond mentality.[b] Conservatives are refusing to acknowledge we need things to change. Liberals want change but only if it's to the advantage of welfare recipients. To hell with those who actually dare to take their own interests in their own hands and support themselves. Palin makes fun of teleprompters and can't keep junior high style crib notes off her hand. And then whines because the White House make fun of her in return.[/b] Edwards makes a sex tape with his mistress and then has to sue his own former staffer to get it back.

I'm so damned fed up with every damned one of them. I'm telling you we need to take away all their privileges, bring them back down to our level, and then see who actually cares about the country, the people in it and is still willing to serve. I'm guessing not a single one of the worthless bastards.


All I can say, is...

exactly my thoughts. That has got to be extremely frightening for one of us.
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  • 3 weeks later...
uhgg...I hate the feds...this is just crap. I think we need a pres who has the balls to throw a constitutional amendment in for a right to privacy so we can get rid of all this bs.
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Take a look at what has happened in the UK. Its down right scary as hell, as Orwellian as it gets. Most electronically surveyed country in the world. Cameras on almost every corner, with people watching them. Some even have speakers so that the people at the monitor can yell at you. CCTV (the people who run all those cameras) have actually made all the live feeds public through television stations, and encourage citizens to report all suspicious behavior (yes, this is pretty scary). All digital privacy rights are virtually gone. The government can monitor everything you do. National ID biometric cards on the way, and unmanned drones to spy on the public (so high up you cant see it from the ground). Police can stop people for no reason at all and get their information and search them under their terrorism law. Its literally a police state....all in the name of SECURITY! Only a matter of time before the US follows suit... people become too complacent and before you know it, all of our civil liberties are gone. Edited by LZ22
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