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Fda Regulation - Is This The Beginning Of Our End?

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I do not post much... but I am wondering if anyone is as concerned as I am about this FDA regulation on tobacco products. I feel as if they are meaning more about cigarettes but I am worried. Some articles say just "cigarettes" some others say "tobacco products." What is everyones take on this FDA regulation on tobacco? Do you believe it will have direct affect on the hookah community? What can we do about this?
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No, this is not the end, there are illegal substances that are still consumed and this is The United States of America, we have the right to bitch (any one who argues this is spoiled btw).

I think it is bullshit because it seems to give a of false sense safety.

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Tobacco has remained unregulated since the inception of the United States. There are no limitations regarding the safety of tobacco, it has been up to the gentle hand of the Big Tobacco Companies (!). Big tobacco companies found out addition of ammonia to cigarettes made them more addictive, but more dangerous, lacking regulation, they propelled forward and added ammonia to make their product sell better. They have regularly added "Flavorings" to cigarettes that the FDA feels are unsafe...and are in reality, like coumarin. This industry needs regulation and these bills are quite sensible. The big tobacco companies have repeatedly and blatantly disregarded the health and safety of the unfortunate souls twisted by the malevolent mixture of addictive chemicals that they produce. They took it up the ass with the MSA (Master Settlement Agreement), 2004, but learned very little. Look at mortality rates for tobacco smokers, one of my favorite Surgeon General's studies. Cigarette smokers show increases in mortality rate based on their consumption of cigarettes, cigar smokers show a much weaker trend and only when smoking more than 4 cigars a day. Who smokes more than 4 cigars a day? Mostly people who smoke those ratty small cigars that are made and processed quite similarly to cigarettes. People that smoke natural cigars rarely indulge that much. Pipe smokers show no increase in mortality rate over non-smokers. Pipe tobacco STILL doesn't require a warning label...because the hard data to prove its dangerous is almost non-existent (if not non-existent). Remember that the average pipe smoker or cigar smoker burn far, far more tobacco in a day than the average cigarette smoker. If tobacco was really the problem, cigars and pipes would show stronger, steeper trends based on consumption.

If there is an anti-smoking movement right now, its not because of cigars or pipe tobacco...its because of cigarettes. They need to get pulled over and written a ticket. If we have anything to worry about its because of the cigarette manufacturers (the big 7, primarily). They are getting hammered...and I'm glad. They deserve it. I hope people will see that the rest of tobacco isn't as crooked as these guys and let up. Smoking of cigars and pipes on airplanes has been banned for over 40 years...smoking cigarettes was permitted much, much later...until 1990...even though cigarettes are much, much more dangerous from any study you can find. Why do you think the anti-smoking people have a bug up their ass? They need to chill out, no doubt, but the cigarette companies didn't learn anything until just now. Good luck to them. 2nd hand smoke isn't as dangerous as it is portrayed...and hookahs shouldn't be included due to their peculiar properties in smoking bans...all that notwithstanding, if we are to bring closure to the needless deaths of millions of human beings, people need to see that the responsible parties are being brought to task. They are. Right now. Hopefully people will see that most of the fuss is alarmist regarding tobacco in general.

I agree that people are entitled to do whatever they want to their bodies and I agree that second hand smoke isn't that dangerous, so smoking cigarettes generally only hurts cigarette smokers for the most part. On the other hand, if safer, less addictive cigarettes can be made if tobacco companies are regulated, then lets do it, is my thought in the matter.

This has all been opinion on my part...

Remember who's saying this.
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Sonthert, I agree with you 100%. I am glad the cigarette companies are getting slammed because most of us know that those companies put some funky stuff into their products knowing that they don't have to list it as an ingredient. Now that this is required they will probably be making "healthier" cigarettes. (Cigarettes with less chemicals and stuff to get you addicted). I know that pure tobacco really isn't that harmful as my grandfather smokes Tumbak very frequently and has done so for a very long time. He has some health issues but as far as I know none of them are issues with his respiratory system.

I think this will be better for hookah's in the long run as it will be harder to include hookahs in smoking bans since people will hopefully realize that it is different than smoking a cigarette or a cigar for that matter (at least with the modern shisha we smoke now).
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