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Mouj Al Bahr Reviews


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Post your reviews below for Mouj Al Bahr Flavours. Questions and comments should be posted in seperate threads. Non-review posts or parts of posts deemed not part of the review will be edited out by Mods. For ease of using the search engine, each review should start with:Mouj Al Bahr (flavour)
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As this is my first review and I'm a bit of a newbie, feel free to comment or pm me with suggestions.

[b]Review:[/b] Triple White Apple

26inch Egyptian Style
Two Cobra Hose
Quicklight coals
Apple Juice with Ice in Base
Wide Jr. Bowl w/Foil

Thin and Moist. More food coloring then is pleasant and a bit sticky.

AMAZING! It really smells like a blend of different apples, very sweet and sugary.

Not as tasty as it smells. I felt it had a week apple taste compared to the double apple I smoked at a hookah bar in DC, however out of the 5 people smoking I was the only one who felt this way.

[b]Smoke Thickness:[/b]
Took awhile to build smoke in the base, longer then usual. Once going the smoke was average, or below average thickness.

There, but nothing major.

We didn't finish the bowl out, we wanted to switch to cherry. By looking at the bowl my guess it would have smoked for awhile longer. We smoked it for 45 minutes on one batch of coals.

All and all, I'd give it a 7. I like it enough to not trade it and order it again, however it is not as good as I expected. The 4 other people smoking seemed to enjoy it more then me.
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This is my first review as well

Mouj Al Bahr Apple

26" Egyptian
Cobra hose
Golden QL (single w/ windscreen, indoors)
distilled water in base
normal Egyptian bowl w/ double foil

like shredded prunes...dry and sticky

pleasant, but not like apples...very faint odor

once it gets going, it tastes like spiced apples...similar to apple strudel

I don't have anything to compare it to but Romman. It's definately thicker than Romman, but based on pics, it doesn't achive Fumari thickness.

I haven't smoked my hookah in months, right now this lightweight couldn't walk a straight line! (I know. Pathetic huh?)

Overall impression:
Don't have much experience yet, but it beats Romman hands down!
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Shisha Brand: Mouj Al-Bahr Black Grape Tobacco

Smell/Flavor: Smells of Grape and Coconut. Rather Flavourful with the taste of grape and coconut blending quite nicely together

Cut: Fine cut

Smoke: Normal and gets progressively thicker

Buzz: Slight

Hookah Type: Single-hose traditional Jordanian with glass base

Bowl: Regular Egyptian bowl

Foil/Screen: Single Aluminium foil

Coal/Amount: 3 pieces of small/medium charcoal

Liquid in Base: Water

Overall satisfaction (scale 1 to 10): 6
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  • 3 weeks later...
Shisha Brand: Mouj Al-Bahr Fruits Tobacco

Smell/Flavor: Fruity with strong Coconut. Gets progressively flavourful with the fruity taste dominating in the end.

Cut: Fine/Medium cut

Smoke: Normal and gets progressively thicker

Buzz: None

Hookah Type: Single-hose traditional Jordanian with glass base

Bowl: Regular Egyptian bowl

Foil/Screen: Single Aluminium foil

Coal/Amount: 3 pieces of small/medium charcoal

Liquid in Base: Water

Overall satisfaction (scale 1 to 10): 6
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  • 1 year later...
Mouj Al Bahr Apple (a.k.a. Triple White Apple)

Hookah: Mini Mya
Bowl: Hemi Bowl
Screen/Foil: Reynolds HD
Hose: Rosewood
Coals: Coco Nara
Base Liquid: Water

Appearance: Fine and thick cut mixed with slight bit of red dye
Nicotine: 0.5%
Base: Unknown (Can't read Arabic)
Smell: Slight Apple Smell
Taste: I can see the apple taste, but i don't know why but I swear they used Pear and a touch of anise to make the apple. Pretty good to have an apple flavor that doesn't taste like pure licorice.
Smoke: Average Clouds
Buzz: Very Slight
Duration: 80 minutes

Purchased From: hookahcompany.com

Overall: 8/10 Wasn't a great smoke, but the flavor was good. The least amount of red dye I have seen on any tobacco containing red dye. Not a bad smoke. Definitely worth a try.
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  • 1 year later...
[color=#CACACA][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2][b][size=3][size=4][color="#000000"]Mouj[/color][/size][color="#000000"] Al Bahr[/color] [color=#00FF00]Apple (a.k.a. Triple White Apple)[/color][/size][/b]
[/color][b][color="#000000"]Stuies Format =)
[font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2][b]Hookah: [/b]Crystal Blue
[b]Bowl:[/b] Mini Egyptian (15-20g) with ghetto monster can windcover
[b]Screen/Foil: [/b]Reynolds HD
[b]Hose: [/b]KM
[b]Coals: [/b]Holland QL
[b]Base Liquid: [/b]Water

[b]Appearance: [/b]Fine and thick cut, a slight amount of red dye, more of a deep brown in color. There are a few large stems that are easy to pick out when packing.
[b]Nicotine:[/b] 0.05% (i assume)
[b]Base: [/b]Unknown (Can't read Arabic either ;p)
[b]Smell: [/b]Slight Apple Smell, Smells like something else I recognize from my childhood but I cant put a finger on it
[b]Taste: [/b]slight apple taste, but I also got a little pear out of it. At some points it tasted a little more spiced than the whole session, I'd say that its was a slight anise taste but nothing strong like DA. I thoroughly enjoyed the flavor though, nice and light
[b]Smoke: [/b]Decent clouds once I got the hookah rolling, nothing phenomenal
[b]Buzz: [/b]none
[b]Duration: [/b]~50minutes minutes

[b]Purchased From: [/b]Freebie from thehookahcentral.com

[b]Overall:[/b] 8/10 it was a nice smoke, I would get this flavor again, Codename said it would most likely be closest to AF Esk Apple so i will have to try that and give my comparison. I did enjoy the light flavors, it was nice and relaxing. Also fun to pick the flavor apart since the box is all arabic and just has 3 yellow apple on the front and the flavor just states Apple even tho it is more complex[/size][/font]
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