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Introduce Myself


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Whats up everybody. My name is Jimmy, I'm 31 y.o from the LA area. I've been smoking hookah since about 96 or 97, but just realizing all the hookah stuff the internet has 2 offer (premium tobacco, funnel bowls, and of course hookah forum). I was introduced to hookah by actually having a lounge next door to a dive bar me and my buddies used to go to. Kinda crazy place, everyone was middle eastern, average age about fifty, not a lot of english spoken, arab TV, tons of backgammon and cards (El Habash in Anaheim for the OC people, changed names now I think). One day me and a buddy decide to venture in and I loved it, some of the younger middle eastern guys were really chill and welcomed us. They recommended this tobacco they called special apple which was a green apple but really sweet which I have never been able to find, it is still the best flavor I have ever smoked(the rumor was the guy made it himself). Unfortunately the place changed ownership and the special apple, as well as the original vibe and crowd, went with the original owner. Now I usually just keep it mellow and smoke at home in front of the TV, actually got some AF golden esk. apple going right now. Anyways, enough of my rambling, thanks to everyone 4 all the great ideas, scalli mod is awesome, and the cool reviews and tips. I'm just getting the hang of this, but I will try to peck out some tobacco reviews in the near future, lucky since southern california has lots of tobacco available retail, glendale even has it in the liqour stores! Well take care of yourselves everyone and keep smoking shisha.
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