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Strawberry!! (Or strawberry??)

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MRS Bubble did me a great favor! She ordered 500 grams of Nakhla Strawberry for me. From previous comments by me on this brand's flavor, you are probably confused for my excitement. I understand. The strawberry I had been smoking (only on occasion) was outdated by a couple years and therefore was the nastiest tasting gruel ever. A buzz-factor of . But now I have fresh strawberry, and wow, what a difference! I forgot just how smooth this is. The only problem is that it doesn't have much in common with the taste of strawberries. The strong point it does have is the smoothness of it. Given the off-flavor, the smoothness makes up for it. This was the first massell I ever smoked. Therefor, it has a special place in my heart. I have tried several different brands of strawberry and found they all taste more like strawberries than this brand's but this is the most interesting of them all, just because I don't know what it tastes like (and isn't just a big wad of sweet goo) The sweet is a milder sweet. The tobacco isn't over-powering but has a flavoring to tobacco taste of 2/3 to 1/3 (flavoring being 2/3 and tobacco taste of 1/3.) Now, when the flavor starts to wear out, more tobacco taste comes through at 1/2 to 1/2, and the best part is: it still doesn't over-power the taste. It is a pleasant tobacco taste, almost weak, but you know you are smoking a tobacco product. The niccotine is present and accounted for and will satisfy a smoker without making me want to give up smoking. This is "back to basics" shisha smoking.
Flavor: If you are looking for "in your face" strawberries, shop elsewhere. But if you like your smoke session to have "a hint of strawberry with a pleasant, subtle sweetness" that makes you wonder what it is, but don't care because its still nice tasting (I call mysterious), this is a good buy. Therefore, I give this a .
Smoke density: Nakhla have cornerwed the market on smoke density (I think). Beautiful white cotton balls of smoke obscuring my keyboard in a white-out that plagues a helicopter pilots worst nightmares! Oh, A white-out can be a beautiful thing.
Buzz factor:  They cornered the market on buzz factors also. Nothing like the expired strawberry. That mess caused me to whine all over MRS Bubble's lap dozens of times. This is a nice (but a little sloppy) buzz factor. I think I can do another bowl and still enjoy it.
Nose-hitability: I like a 3 carpet tack rating best. This is about a 2. In case you are new here, the carpet tack rating reflects the burning-tingling sensation up the nostril as if it were carpet tacks going up. If you don't know what a carpet tack is, you are lucky. I stepped on many of them bare-footed as a young boy when my uncle owned a real estate company and was a home builder. My Aunt would take me with her when she was conducting clean-up operations in the new homes before the carpet was down, but the tacks were in place. They stick strait up about 1 mm above the floor padding. Hard as hell to see as an adult and deadly for a child who wants to rip and romp through a fancy new home barefooted. Ohhhh! Well, enough. Hopefully someone enjoyed that.
General feeling of wellness: A nice, mid-level buzz that makes you remember dumb thing from your childhood.
Final thoughts. Back to basics shisha smoking. Nothing fancy here, just good tobacco taste, a mysterious sweetness without being "gooey" that may remind you of the taste of something you had at one time but can't put your finger on it. Stuff that makes you wonder. This is the stuff that sold me on hookahs in the beginning and will always captivate my imagination while stirring up fond memories of the past. I guess this is why I held on dearly to the old expired batch for so long. Go for a 50 gram pack, and be prepaired to practice, practice, practice getting the set-up right. Otherwise it may burn and get nasty. I think if you get Nakhla set-up right, you can set up a bowl of any massell blindfolded.
Happy Thursday (my Friday)
MR Bubble
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I started smoking hookah on their grape flavor ma'assel. We called it Special Grape, but not too special now that I've had more experience. When I smoke it I too have fond memories flood into my head. I personally LOVE their double apple, but most of their flavors burn in my hookah when I am strapped for cash and need to refill. I will have to try their strawberry again.
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