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How should i go about breaking to my dad that I've started smoking hookah. My mom and dad are divorced and my mother lets me smoke it. My dad however is an old timer Filipino who is strict. He smokes cigs, my stepmom smokes cigs. I don't know how to tell him..cause when I visit houston for months at a time...I want to smoke
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well, If it's an option(assuming your over 18 and there's one in the vicinity..), try to take your dad to a hookah lounge or cafe. Talk him into trying one.
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Its almost the same situation with me.
My mom is hardcore not into smoking
whereas my dad doesn't really care

and they're separated so its two different worlds.
But I just straight up told my mom I'm doing it.
She isn't happy.
Never will be.

But if my dad is cool with it, I can deal with my mom ignoring it.
and as long as you are 18 and in school... its not like its illegal
and they can't exactly ground you.

Consider saying that you did something way worse.
Like hired a hooker.
Had sex.
Then killed her.
you'll have to say it seriously though. If you don't... you won't be able to pull off saying "nah, I just smoke hookah".

Unless smoking hookah is worse than killing someone.
I dunno about that scenario....
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yeah except that colt45 is 14 years old. definately not gonna be cool with your dad. i would recommend either the straight up approach and prepare to get bitched out (and rightfully so since you would be breaking the law) or just dont tell him and dont smoke in houston.

all these youngins on the forums these days...
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If you take your hookah.... be fully prepared to have your hookah stripped from your hands and broken before your eyes.

Its tough being a teenager... that place between child and adult.... what makes it harder is that the choices you want to make from the adult or independent side of your mind is subject to parental law. Your parents have every reason to say no to hookah smoking.... as they are responsible for your health until you reach that magic number of 18 years. They also are responsible for you possesing or smoking tobacco as a minor. If you are summonsed to court as a minor for tobacco violation, one of your parents has to take time off of work and BE THERE... they will also be responsible for seeing that you make it to community service and trips to the probation officer. They may also have to pay your fines and your probation fees every month up front because you dont have the cash to do it on hand.

There are GOOD reasons why some parents choose to be "not cool" with it.
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QUOTE (Lakemonster)
If you take your hookah.... be fully prepared to have your hookah stripped from your hands and broken before your eyes.

Its tough being a teenager... that place between child and adult.... what makes it harder is that the choices you want to make from the adult or independent side of your mind is subject to parental law. Your parents have every reason to say no to hookah smoking.... as they are responsible for your health until you reach that magic number of 18 years.  They also are responsible for you possesing or smoking tobacco as a minor. If you are summonsed to court as a minor for tobacco violation, one of your parents has to take time off of work and BE THERE... they will also be responsible for seeing that you make it to community service and trips to the probation officer. They may also have to pay your fines and your probation fees every month up front because you dont have the cash to do it on hand.

There are GOOD reasons why some parents choose to be "not cool" with it.

I#ve definately thought of it...I would only smoke inside the privacy of the home. ANd I was planning on taking a cheap cheap hookah to see his reaction
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I've heard its legal to smoke hookah at 12 in NJ.
But even as an 18 year old, when my hookah was shipped to my house, my mom threatened to throw out the package if it came when I wasn't home. She doesn't like hookah.

Of course I told her I'd sue her for tampering with my package being that both UPS, the company, and I would know about its being shipped. That just made her mad though.. don't do that. If that is one thing I've learned in life, don't be witty when your parents are mad. Because if you do it enough, it'll get to a point where when you are honest and compliant, they'll think you're sarcastic. Happened to me. So now I just stick with the witty. At least I can laugh at that.

Unless you smoke hookah a lot, I wouldn't recommend even bringing a hookah. Considering that you're 14, your dad'll probably destroy the hookah, call your mom (more drama), and be upset with you during your entire stay. It isn't worth it. Its hard because you stay for months at a time but.. I guess you'll just enjoy it more when you get back.

Its tough man
But sometimes you gotta let go of the things you love. At least for a little.
An axiom to live by. Life/Death/Hookah
Life will be cooler in 4 years.

and I've never heard of someone being brought to court because of a "tobacco violation". I'm pretty sure the crime is in the selling of tobacco to minors, not in minors smoking it. I've seen plenty of underage kids smoke right in front of cops. Maybe NJ is weeeeird
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I gotta agree with everyone. the last thing you wanna do is bring it to show your dad and have him destroy your baby. do like pboyle said and leave it home so you'll enjoy it better when you get back.
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Colt, be careful about bringing your hookah. Since you are underage in the United States and you've repeatedly told us that your dad is very strict he might take it away, or try to get a cop to take it away. If I were you, I wouldn't risk a hookah even a cheap one but its your decision.

As for talking, do it when you feel right. Be calm and explain that where you live it is legal, and when you reach a legal age here you will continue. Both good points, I think. Do what your gut says, thats the best advice I have.
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Okay Cali, as a father of three girls I can tell ya a really good way to do this. Tell him you are preggers and you joined a cult. About the time he is freaking really bad tell him, "not really, the worst thing I'd ever do is maybe smoke a hookah". All your paps will be able to think is "damn, at least she ain't pregnant!!!" ARRRRRRR!!!!
I could always do a video for you that I'm sure would really put his mind at ease?!?!?! smile.gif You need any more advice you just holler at ol' Scalli wink.gif then do just the opposite and you will probably be okay sad.gif

Colt, you being a boy and all ya may not want to try that same advice me lad wink.gif You'd say "Paps me be preggers" and Paps say "boy ye on the dope" and then you say "no Paps me just smokin this shit" and it is just gonna keep going downhill from there ye know? :roll:
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QUOTE (FlyingRock)
hahaha, yeah the preggo thing wouldnt work.. But open like this:

"Dad, i'm a cross dresser, i love girls so much.. I want to become one" That might work..

Ooh, damn! He could say "Paps the only thing keepin me "straight" is suckin a hookah hose ever now and then." ARRRRRR!!!!
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QUOTE (FlyingRock)
Hahaha, i like that one.. Go with that one colt!!

HAHA!!! Hey Colt if you have any friends that would be up for a good joke on yer Paps have them come over and tell him, "Okay Paps, it's either the hookah or Davey, it's your choice!!!" Dude if you could get that on video it would be the funniest Youtube flippin EVER!!!!
Of course Paps may bust a cap in both of ya and you may end up in a shallow grave in the backyard so..... proceed with caution!!!!
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QUOTE (FlyingRock)
If he does pull a gun out, RUN RUN AND RUN.. Then, when you think about stopping, RUN some more..

Remember, jump infront of the bullet if he shoots at your hookah!

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Damn dude you have to come to the next DFW Hookah party!!! we'd have a blast!!!
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QUOTE (Scalliwag)
Okay Cali, as a father of three girls I can tell ya a really good way to do this. Tell him you are preggers and you joined a cult. About the time he is freaking really bad tell him, "not really, the worst thing I'd ever do is maybe smoke a hookah". All your paps will be able to think is "damn, at least she ain't pregnant!!!" ARRRRRRR!!!!  
I could always do a video for you that I'm sure would really put his mind at ease?!?!?! smile.gif You need any more advice you just holler at ol' Scalli wink.gif then do just the opposite and you will probably be okay sad.gif

Colt, you being a boy and all ya may not want to try that same advice me lad wink.gif You'd say "Paps me be preggers" and Paps say "boy ye on the dope" and then you say "no Paps me just smokin this shit" and it is just gonna keep going downhill from there ye know?  :roll:

This gave me a great laugh. My dad is luckily quite cool with it (the hookah not being pretnant...he'd freak), of course I'm out of the house and he was my age in the late 60's/early 70's, of course I'm also 22.
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