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which is why it's concerning

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So I've been smoking off and on for about ten years. But just recently, I've been smoking way more often, twice a day--in the afternoon for about an hour, and then at night with beer for about 2 hours. Over the last few days, I've been noticing a sting in my throat, whether of not I'm smoking, and it's not a sick kind of sting. Is this normal? Is this a sign that I need to cut back, or a sign of like throat cancer or something serious? Because I love my hookah. I'm a work-from-home-mom and it's the only thing that keeps me sane with my two rowdy toddlers! But at the same time, I don't wanna die lol Any comments appreciated :)

It actually feels kind of like acid reflux, but I have no other acid reflux symptoms, which is why it's concerning.

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