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havana rose

smells like a rose mixed with a light floral soapy smell

a little finer cut than AW, looks a bit pink. didnt find too many stems but that was only in about 25g (a friend gave me this after losing his hookah)

pretty damn thick clouds out of my 26" with an egyptian bowl and cobra fifi hose, one 33mm coal split in half using foil. room temp water in the base. always rockin the windcover!

typical duration of most other shishas, about an hour or so.

tastes a LOT like a rose. didnt have that overpowering soap flavor that AW rose has, but there was still a faint hint of it. the flavor is about as strong as the smell of a rose, which is nice because i dont want to feel like im drowning in the smell and taste of roses, but would still like to be able to distinguish what flavor it is. flavor started to gradually taper off towards the last 15-20 minutes, but was still noticeable when we decided to call it quits and start another flavor.

no buzz. washed. did give that feeling of relaxation though

i might have to buy more of this, its actually really good. the friend that gave it to me made me promise him i would finish it with him since it was one of his top favorites lol. and my girlfriend that doesnt even like flowers (who i have recently turned into a fellow hookah junkie) loves this shisha Edited by blacklabelqlewis
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  • 6 years later...

Havana Rose

Hookah: Khalil Mamoon OG Trimetal
Bowl: Tangiers Mini Phunnel
Screen/Foil: Reynolds Heavy Duty
Hose: Nammor
Coals: Coconara
Base Liquid: Water

Appearance: Medium cut with lots of stems
Nicotine: 0.05%
Base: Molasses
Smell: Floral
Taste: Sweet Rose
Smoke: Smaller clouds
Buzz: None

Duration: 2 Hours

Purchased From: Hookah-Shisha.com

Overall: 7/10 The smell has a floral smell. The flavor is a very sweet rose. Doesn’t have the distinct rose flavor I love in other roses. It is a good flavor but there is so much better out there, but if you are on a budget it’s a good buy. 

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