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Special Apples


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Havana Special Apple

Cut: Fine cut.

Smell: Like a Candy apple

Taste: Amazing. Tastes just like a candy apple. Best flavour I've had in a long time.

Smoke Thickness: Nice thick puffy white clouds.

Buzz: Hardly a buzz at all.

Duration: I personally smoke out of a small bowl of about 1 gram. Lasts just as long as one threekings coal. 30mins

Over all this is my favorite Havana flavour. I think I will be smoking this more often then any other flavours I have. Edited by AinSophAur
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Havana Special Apples

Hookah: Tokel Tuğralı 
Bowl: Kasbah Mini Phunnel
Screen/Foil: Reynolds Heavy Duty
Hose: Nammor
Coals: Coconara
Base Liquid: Water

Appearance: Obliterated Pulp
Nicotine: 0.05%
Base: Molasses
Smell: Anise
Taste: Sweet Anise
Smoke: Good Clouds
Buzz: None
Duration: 2 Hours

Purchased From: Hookah-Shisha.com

Overall: 10/10 This was a surprising flavor to me. It’s Double Apple and Sweet Apple. It’s a sweet DA!!! It’s freaking awesome! You have got to try this!

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