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Starbuzz Mango

Setup: Mya Vortex, Cloisonne Hose, Tangiers Small Phunnel, Scalli Mod, 1.5 3k QL coals

Smell: Not quite Mango, but a very delectable scent.

Cut: Average wetness of Starbuzz, brownish/yellow color. Mostly Thin Leaves, some broader leaves.

Smoke: Great white fluffy clouds.

Flavor: The taste was much more accurate than the smell. One of those flavors that keeps you coming back to "hone" in on the taste, but once you get it.. It's wonderful.

Buzz: Slight relaxed feeling, nothing special.

Overall: I was thorougly satisfied with this smoke. With the thickness in the clouds and the good flavor, I HAVE to rate this good. Mango is delightful flavor to smoke if it is done right, and the people at Starbuzz definitely do it right.

Rating: 9.95/10 The "hookah high" buzz wasn't very apparent, but the smoke was great.. If I was worried about buzz I wouldn't buy this, but I myself love the flavor and overall smoke so it will definitely stay in the collection.
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