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MR Bubble

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[b]Nakhla Licorice (El Basha)[/b]

32" Egyptian single hose.
The bowl is the one you buy from hookah shisha with the hinged lid and screen, but with the lid ripped off and the screen trashed. FOIL BABY!
Tap water in the base.
One 3 kings coal, broken into 4 pieces

While expecting a licorice like Abed Al Khader, I was disappointed and surprised at the same time. The flavor was no where as realistic and licoricie as Al Khader, but it was a pleasing flavor anyway.

Cut: :wink: Just like Nakhla, but a little lighter in color and a little wetter than most Nakhla.

Smell: :wink: Licorice is really there, but mild and with a hint of another component. Maybe something slightly floral. After all, it is El Basha.

Flavor: :) Hard to say. You have your licorice, but diluted with a milder something. Is it floral? I'll need another go at it. Slightly sweeter than licorice, but not overpowering. I think it's a good alternative to full blown licorice.

Smoke density: :D Nice thick puffy clouds of typical Nakhla smoke (fresh Nakhla). MRS Bubble was sitting across from me, trying to read and I was blowing the smoke across her book, just irritating the crap out of her from its thickness.

Buzz Factor: :lol: Oh yesss. Better than typical Nakhla buzz. I was surprised.

Nose-hitability: :?: Not tested this time. (MRS Bubble would have had a fit.)

Shisha-Nazi Factor: :shock: She kinda liked it! However, she claims it made her slightly nauseas. I imagine it was from the above average buzz, and she doesn't like licorice to begin with, but she would smoke it again.

Summary: 8) Oh yes. I love licorice, and while not as good as others out there, it has one important advantage... It is smokable for those who normally wouldn't want to smoke a licorice massel. And that's a good thing, but for someone like me, it still is a refreshing take on licorice.

[b]RATING:[/b] 7.5/10.

MR Bubble
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  • 2 years later...
Nakhla El Basha Liquorice

Hookah: 30" Basic Eyptian
Bowl: Small standard bowl (10-15g)
Screen/Foil: Single Layer Heavy Foil
Coal: 1 Hookah Lite Mini

Appearance: Usual medium Nakhla cut, slightly moist (not wet, not dry).
Nicotine: 0.5%
Base: Molasses
Smell: Sweet Liquorice smell. Not too strong.
Taste: Exactly like it smells, just more intense (in a good way!)
Smoke: Good thick Clouds
Buzz: Light, but noticable buzz.
Duration: 1 Hour

Overall: 10/10 I really loved this flavour. It will be one of my new favorites! It really fills your mouth with a sweet liquorice taste - just as if you were eating some liquorice. I really like non-fruit flavours as they don't have a floral taste.
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  • 1 year later...
[b][size="3"]Nakhla Licorice (El Basha Line)[/size][/b]

[b]Hookah: [/b]Mya Saray Nou Nou
[b]Bowl:[/b] Social Smoke Hemi Bowl
[b]Screen/Foil:[/b] Reynold Heavy Duty
[b]Hose: [/b]Nammor
[b]Coals: [/b]Coconaras
[b]Base Liquid:[/b] Water

[b]Appearance: [/b]Usual short cut with natural looking tobacco, Sticky.
[b]Nicotine:[/b] 0.5%
[b]Base:[/b] Molasses
[b]Smell: [/b]Licorice
[b]Taste: [/b]Licorice Candy
[b]Smoke: [/b]Great Clouds
[b]Buzz: [/b]Good
[b]Duration:[/b] 1 Hour

[b]Purchased From: [/b]Hookah-Shisha.com

[b]Overall: [/b]8/10 This smells so much like Licorice, but it has a predominant sweet licorice taste. It's very good, but a bit too sweet for a licorice for my tastes. The smell will scare away most, but this is probably one of the best licorice shishas who are not big licorice fans.

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