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Flower Power


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[size="3"][b]Starbuzz [color="#ff00ff"]Flower Power[/color][/b][/size]

[b]Hookah:[/b] Khalil Mammoon Kamanja Star
[b]Bowl: [/b]Tangiers Mini Phunnel
[b]Screen/Foil: [/b]Reynolds Heavy Duty
[b]Hose: [/b]Nammor
[b]Coals: [/b]Coconaras
[b]Base Liquid:[/b] Water

[b]Appearance: [/b]Medium Cut, Lots of stems, Swimming in Red Dye
[b]Nicotine: [/b]0.05%
[b]Base:[/b] Honey & Glycerin
[b]Smell:[/b] Coffee
[b]Taste: [/b]Fruity
[b]Smoke:[/b] Fruity & Floral
[b]Buzz:[/b] None
[b]Duration: [/b]1 Hour

[b]Purchased From:[/b] Hookah-Shisha.com

[b]Overall: [/b]8/10 By the name I was expecting a huge floral flavor, but it's main tone is berry almost a strawberry and something else I can't quite put my finger on. Then the undertone is a Rose flavor, not sure but I get a slight taste of jasmine now and again. All in all I like it. Not something I would get a lot but something worth trying for sure.
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