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Hookah Head


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I'm in the process of building a hookah because I tried to take my hookah a part and ended up breaking it... I've got everything and have it almost set to go.. Except I don't know how to attach my bowl to the head of the hookah. My down steam is all just one piece and the top flares out and becomes flat like a plate. It was originally 20" but I cut it in half. The second half doesn't have a the flare but its too skinny to fit the bowl on. So my original idea was to epoxy my old head onto the flat part but i realized it gets hot and I don't want my brain cells to melt anymore than they do already. So I tried to put the grommet on and fit the bowl on the flat part. It seals off but its not so stable. It stays up and everything, just I want to know how else I can securely fit the bowl on.

Thanks for everyones help. smile.gif
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