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Do you like President Bush?

Do you like President Bush?  

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Howdy all.  Just wondering about this.   I assume the answer is no for most of you, but I'm just curious.  Saw about a 45 minute interview with him this morning and he seems like more of a genuine, decent guy than he is made out to be.  I'd like to know the real stats of this forum, so I'd like everybody that views this to at least vote.  Thanks!BEN
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I guess the answer would be "Yes" if the question was "would you like George Bush hung for treason?". I've talked with the boys back at headquarters and unfortunately, the paperwork on W. has been lost in expediting and processing. Back, after he was just elected to his second term, his public approval ratings were higher and I had just survived my second suicide attempt, the mumblings on Fox and associated conservative clap-trap media services was:"Maybe George Bush could get elected to a third term if we changed the constitution." or alternatively, "Swartzenegger could get elected if we took out that clause in the constitution." Democrats don't tout who might be elected in 6-8 years that often, and they don't go trying to change the constitution every 6-8 months.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Now here's the real question: how many people voted for Bush or liked Bush when he was in office, lets say 3 years ago? When he was elected in 2000, after about four months in office. I said "This is the most dangerous president we've had in a hundred years."
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I have to say that I support GW, but for different reasons than many.  After 9-11, which deeply effected me as I lost a close friend, and I helped sift through the remains at Ground Zero, I was looking to the govt to see what was going to be done.  The Dept Of Homeland Security, which encompases FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), has been very kind to me.  Most of my training for my fire department and all my medical training was funded through them.  Also, I am now certified nationwide as a Firefighter, EMT-D, and Hazmat Tech.  I really don't feel that this funding would have been made available by anoyone other than the current president.
So some of you are saying, wow, he is living off the governments buck.  That is quite untrue.  All the work I do with my fire dept is volunteer, so the training is the only benefit I recieve.  Also, because of the training I have recieved, I am starting a company to help people prepare themselves for disaster, and in turn teach their friends and family how to prepare themselves.  I am teaching others to be ready, and empowering them to carry the message.  I feel that this benefit outweighs my "burden on america" so to speak.
But that is just my $0.02USD
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  • 2 weeks later...
add me to the pro abortion, pro gay rights, and pro stem cell research list ..oh yeah, and throw in some ANTI-patriot act, ANTI-missle defense shield, and ANTI-free trade area of the americas and you're likely to guess that i voted 'no' :Pand as a side note, just because some of us have different political views doesn't mean that we'll hate each other; nuschultz, i sense that you were being a bit defensive in your second paragraph, but i never got the feeling that you were living off the govt's buck from the first.  having been a volunteer EMT/fireman before, i have a lot of respect for those who make themselves available to help others without receiving anything in return :)
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I was watching "Enron:the Smartest guys in the room" tonight for the third time. The movie underemphasized the connection between G.W. Bush and G.H. Bush and Enron. Being a veteran of the California power crisis, I've seen first hand what Bush and his republican deregulation policies are getting us:screwed. Enron sold our power to the Pacific North West grid, creating a shortfall, bought it back from themselves, for a huge profit and then later went to the trouble of telling power plants to shut down until the price had risen sufficiently. Deregulation is a losing game, its sole purpose is to allow busines and industry to be unfettered by rules that protect consumers. Maybe alot of you all aretoo young to remember Reagan's dabbling with deregulation, deregulating the Savings and Loan Industry. That scaldal cost the US cost something like 480 Billion dollars or approximately 3,500 dollars for every man woman and child. On what? Junk Bonds so some people could get fabulously wealthy. Did the S&Ls know they were junk? Of course. Deregulation of various industries in the US have yielded two results for US consumers, no effect and disaster. The Bush family knew and turned a blind eye and are still trying to rake this crap under the rug.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just listen to the song "When the President Talks to God" by Bright Eyes (Conor)It sums up how I feel. "When the President talks to God,
are the conversations brief or long?
Does he ask to rape our womens rights,
and send poor farm kids off to die?
Does God suggest an oil hike,
when the President talks to God?"If there is anything at the moment I am most concerned about (among millions of other concerns) - it's my womens rights. And with Bush in office...it's like, "Bush or no bush?"f**k Bush.
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Tang:  Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room.  I'd be interested in seeing it.
Surf: what rights has Bush removed from you, just out of curiosity?
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The lyric said asking to rape women's rights, and it's a reference to asking for a ban on abortion and being very anti-choice.
I'm glad FEMA did some nice things for you, however, I think if you talk to the victims of Hurrican Katrina, they'd have a much less than favorable reaction to that organization. Sure, you got some great training and I'm sure you'll help lots of people with that, but when it comes down to what FEMA is really supposed to be for (namely Emergency Management as the acronym implies), they do a pretty sh*tty job.
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the whole thing about the iraq war just didnt do it for me. personally i think it was mostly about the oil.america on its own would only last 2 years on its own oil funds. without iraq and saudi arabia they would pretty much be f**ked! NO for BUSH...
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Its more insidious than that, if I may expatiate a conspiracy theory I heard and contributed to, not that I actually take much stock in it.a. Woodward, the famous journalist who broke the Nixon Watergate scandal, followed Bush around and reported on 60 minutes that Bush intended to go to war with Iraq when he took office.b. Members of Bush's staff close to Bush, when 9/11 happened, said Bush wasn't as interested in Afghanistan as he was going to war with Iraq. He was looking for a tie-in between 9/11 and Iraq, when wasn't found we plowed ahead anyways. c. Bush's family is heavily invested in Pennzoil, George H. Bush was the CEO; you don't get to be CEO without holding some good amount of stock. d. What's good for Pennzoil is good for Bush wealth; it goes up, they get richer. e. After the first gulf war, oil prices shot up and oil companies enjoyed inflated profits.f. If you knew that there was going to be a war with Iraq, you could invest in the commodities future markets long, betting the prices go up, and when they do, you could make alot of money off it.So, going to war with Iraq is good for the Bush family, and with  foreknowledge, they could invest their money appropriately to make even more money.  What's the cost? A further loss of respect in the world and several thousand American troops? Not to mention a country, who never attacked or threatened the United States was decimated, innocent thousands killed and millions had their way of life destroyed. Not a good track record, in my opinion.P.S. for all of those people (person) that support GWB for the Dept. of Homeland security (which isn't doing a very good job), FEMA and the response after 9-11, remember those are your fellow Americans who believe in the great ideals of this country, as I do, that are helping, not GWB. This war with Iraq has increased Al Queda recruiting and activity in Iraq where previously there was little (I want to say none, as no evidence of Al Queda in Iraq has ever been shown, but I err on the side of consevative in this matter) activity. If the next attack is carried out by Iraqiis, then how can we feel? Our occupation of Iraq drives these people to the next terrorist attack? Not a good economy, in the final analysis, in my opinion.
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What I like about president Bush are his accomplishments as Commander in Chief of our great nation. His progressions in various types of legislation have made exceptional progress in the quality of our nation. For one, his tax reforms have been some of the most successful reforms to date. His efforts in homeland security and the War on Terror make me feel safer and have more respect in the capabilities of our government. May i ask why you do not like President Bush? What do you know about him that would lead you to make insults on a personal level?
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a. his support for deregulation.b. His superimposing morality on to the laws of this country.c. His flagrant disregard for American lives in attacking Iraq, which was unjustfied and supported by falsified "intelligence". The UN claimed it was "unconvincing" which is another way to say its BS, the majority of the world was opposed to our intervention in Iraq, and our national prestige and standing the world is at an all time low.d. his failing marks in homeland security or even portraying the possibility that "homeland security" is possible. He could have prepared Americans for the reality of the situation, instead he offered a placebo.e. his illegal and unjustified detention of people without due process in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and various other CIA detention facilites. When we deny justice to one person, we defeat the efforts of justice.f. His support of "The Patriot Act"g. His foreign policy(which is inseparable from his military policy). Even Nixon had a foreign policyh. His two-faced use of religious faith of Americans to curry favor.i. His stand on abortion and the "Day after pill" the first which is a horrible process and the second, far more humane, but its not anybody's business what a woman chooses to do with her body.j. His attempts to cut military pay and benefits.k. His failure to support and help foster US business.l. Corollary to k., his failure to protect US jobs for US workers.m. His attempts to ease the Federal Clean air act in support of his dirty petrochemical industry buddies in Texas.n. His installation of an obvious planted leader in Afghanistan, Mohammed Kharzied, handpicked by Bush.o. His failure to intervene in the escalation of nuclear weapons, especially Pakistan, India, North Korea and Iran. REAL threats, not imaginary WMDs in Iraq.p. His botched leadership in the wake of the hurricane Katrina disaster, the untold hundreds who died beliving they would be helped by their government.q. His failure to take steps to keep America in pace in information technology with the rest of the world; the US is projected in 10 years to have to import a majority of its information technology from overseas, especially Korea.r. His flagrant racist blame of illegal aliens and making grand gestures at "doing something about them" but actually doing nothing. Do something, do nothing, just don't say you are doing more when you are doing the same amount thats ever been done.s. His obvious granting of contracts to companies that are politically invested in him and memebers of the executive branch(especially Halliburton).t. his flip and condescending attitude.u. The obvious voter fraud that occurred on his behalf in Florida in 2000. v. The huge amount of vacation time he spent in his first term ( I don't know if its been better in his second term, so I can't fault him for that)w. His continued support for one of his largest contributing groups, the Christian right-wing.x. His selection of John Ashcroft. y. His attempted efforts to open Alaskan parklands up for oil drilling (he is in the oil industry, right? Who is going to get those contracts? Friends of his?)z. His idea of starting a "war on terror" which is a bunch of propaganda.I ran of letters, sorry. I know you asked Pav, but I thought I'd offer my opinion anyways.
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Bottom line for me?
No . I dont like him........ however I sure as hell dont go in for Demolibs.
I got to enjoy GWB as Governor of Texas. He always kept a low profile if I remember right... as for policy until one day. The guy pushed for the end of 8-liine gaming machines, calling them gambling devices. OK. so in reality.. those things kinda were gambling. I ask myself why he took that line and spoke out big. Reason? all the money spent on the 8-liners were gonna end up going to Shreveport or Indian Casinos in Oklahoma...... thats running the money out of State. Doesnt make sense does it? Unless the 8-liners where cutting into the only legal form of gambling in the State: the Texas State Lottery. State run. Maybe a bit Conspiracy theory.....but there it is.
I have always viewed GWB as a person dedicated not to the people... but to his special interest buddies. I still think he's doin it, especially the oil field boys. Sure, its great for Texas.... so I dont complain much. still doesnt make it a nice fair picture, tho.
But before we get jaded thinking that the Republican party is the only thing that caters to special interest....... you should know that Clinton gave out "no-bid" contracts to Halliburton left and right.
IM afraid, that a two party system in this nation is the breeding ground for shenanigans. ITs way too easy for someone else to figure a way to "pull all the strings"
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I voted for BUSH in both elections.  I feel he has done some things right and some wrong.  I will not mention the 9/11 stuff, that is a touchy issue wiht me.  I wa sabout 100feet from the pentagon when that plane hit it.
But tthe war in IRAQ, should we have gone in?  I say no, but now that we are there should we pull out, hell no.  That country would turn to sh$$ if we just got up and left.  I am speaking from personal experience I have spent 2 years in IRAQ and seen what that country is all about.
The whole thing , that we went there for oil.  That is not true.  The US is not revieveing any profits from that oil.  The ones making profits are the oil industry, which almost 99 percent are not US owned.  Gas prices have been high this past year, and people blame IRAQ and Katrina for it.  But the Oil companies had made their record high in profits that past year.  If anyone is to blame about oil its those guys.
Bush's stance on Katrina, at first it was messed up.  But I mainly blame that on FEMA.  But now Bush wants to give people who lost homes a $150,000 check.  What he ha sproposed is if you lost your house you will recieve a $150,000 check aslong as u ask for one.  If you recieved insurance money or FEMA money that will be deducted from that $150,00.  On this issue I disagree with Bush.  I feel thaty should get nothing extra for loseing a home.  It's called INSURANCE.  I fyou did nto have it that tough luck, if you did and they are trying to stiff you then sue them.
Bush's allowing of the port deal.  I agree with him on this one, having a middle eastern comapyn own some ports does not affact security.  The US is still incharge of the security of those ports.  Hell, we do not even own them.  The British BP company owns the ports so they ar e already own by a foreign country.
Thsoe are some of my commanets, yell and complain if you want I don't mind...lol
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