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Electric Hookah Heater

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I'm seriously debating picking up one of those electric hookah heaters
that sits on top of the bowl.  Seems like a terrific idea in
principle, but has anyone had any experience with it?

Yes, I know that the purists are going to tell me that charcoal is the
only way to go, and I'm generally inclined to agree, but I'm getting a
new, expensive rug soon and I really would like an alternative that
doesn't put it in jeapardy.

Any experiences with this product?
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Incidentally, one of the other reasons I'm forced to consider this
route is that I can't seem to find any quality quick-lighting charcoal
here in Kuwait.  3 Kings seems to be unheard of here and all I can
find are these crappy brands that last about 5 minutes a coal and taste
like crap.

Right now I'm using bulk hardwood charcoal a guy at a local hookah den
is selling me, but I seem to have a lot more difficulty here in Kuwait
finding decent products than in Canada.

Also, when I bought Nakhla tobacco back home it was always nice and
sticky and sweet.  Here it's very dry with much less
flavour.  Am I nuts, or does Nakhla use a different blend for
their exports to different countries?
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I dont think its a silly thing at all........ it would mean less carbon monoxide in your smoke from the coal.
Whether they work well or not, I couldnt say.
I will tell you that I am not going to chunk down the change for one.... they seem high for what they are. All those things are to me is a small heating element like those "stinger" coffee heaters they used to sell back when (showing my age). you dont really see em anymore due to fire hazard. they make a small pot with an element now...
Anyway... as I prefer to "MacGuyver" stuff of that nature.. I propsoe that Mon AM I go out and buy:
$3-5 solder iron
1 machine screw
1 Wing head screw
1 1 1/4" diameter iron washer
Scrounge up a 2" length of 3/4" dia conduit or copper tubing.
Use my windcover that came with my first hookah
I'll post p[ics if I can get it to work worth a damn.
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Earlier experience by other members in the past suggest that they did'nt have much succes. It was hard to regulate and find the delicate balance of just enough heating. No of the problems should have been it took very long to reach desired temperature, hence the control difficulty. Another thing would be that coals will "self-regulate" by heating when air is driven through past due to the smoking - electric heater (as of right now) does not do that.
For my self I am pro the generel concept even though it seems that this first attempt on a product is no succes (yet). Therefore I believe and hope that either you or another can be the first to make it work properly OR that the future will bring another product - maybe Lakemonster is the answer to that prayer :-)
As goes for the Kuwaity shisha situation I have no personal experience there either. But I would recon that it must be possible to find some "gourmet shisha invironment" - my guess is that what you have found is the "main stream" in a country where hookah smoking is much more common. A parallel situation could be cuban cigars. The cigars exported out of Cuba is high-end quality smoked by a subculture of enthousiasts for special occasions. But if you go to Cuba you will se that its widespread and usually more "every day" cigars. At first glance the afficionado will find him self in a situation similar to what you are experiencing.
In Canada you are amongst the enthousiasts just by being a smoker - in a "hookah country" you will have make some sorting out. I guess asking around and looking will bring you to where the hookah is treated with seriousity and passion to match your own.
I don't think that Nakhla has different flavours for different countries - I think its old and dry due to that they don't have the same care for it as we would have - its just their daily Bic-mac, Marlboro lights or instant coffee.
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I bought one and reviewed it a long time ago but the old posts are gone.
It was impossible to regulate the heat.  It would start to burn
the maassel so you had to constantly take it off and let the bowl cool
down - then you had to adjust the regulator and let the tobacco heat up
again - then it either made the maassel vaporize, which tasted    or if you set the regulator too high or didn't wait 2 or 3 minutes
between puffs it would overheat the maassel and start to burn. 
(it got so hot the glaze on a ceramic bowl blistered and cracked)

Smoking hookah is supposed to be relaxing - not with these.

You end up spending a great deal of time holding what is basically a glowing, very hot electric windcover because you sure don't want to lay it down on anything.

That was my experience with an electric hookah heater....but maybe you would have better luck. 
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All I need to know, Teufelhund.  Thanks for the advice.  I'll
save my money and keep sucking back the charcoal.  :)

I think you hit the nail on the head, Kofod regarding Kuwait, but maybe
it's just me who's too stupid to look in the right places.  After
two months here I just found a new place only 3 blocks from my

Funny that the Nakhla would be drier here, though.  The boxes were
all well sealed.  Strange.  Maybe bogus Nakhla???
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Regarding the Nakhla - some time ago one of your Israel friends (don't recall membername) told us about his "shisha situation" in the nearby arabic areas that he frequented get tobacco (and as the story will tell mostly hookahs). As I recall it most of the Nakhla was almost in the end og their shelf life and it was common to see them reduced in price for those overdue. He commented the poor quality due to this less than orderly handling and that he got his Nakhla and other tobacco elsewhere.
Hope the new place you found is just swell and that you might even find something tastier than we are accustomed to here in the western world.
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Nope.  It's sh*te!  lol!

Sounds like I'll be ordering online.  So far the Middle East has been far from the Hookah paradise I was hoping for. 

Though there is a wonderful little hookah den out on the beach just
outside my place that comes alive at night which almost makes up for it.
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