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Smoking & Oral Surgery

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I got my wisdom teeth extracted on May 5th, 2005.
I wanted to know if anyone knows of any information on the net - reliable - which informs on how long realistically one should wait before smoking.  I know everyone says 48-36 hours, but that's like the minimum time.
I don't have any pain in the extraction sites, though the holes are still there, I'm planning a trip to the Mid East next week and waned to visit some hookah bars, wanted to see if I can smoke there or not.
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First off, I am not a medical professional of any sort, so take my
advice with a grain of salt. I'm about to have my wisdom teeth out on
the 26th and have some new hookah goodies on the way, so i've given
this some passing thought.

I imagine that the answer to your question has more to do with personal
comfort than anything else. Provided that your mouth isn't bleeding or
sore, I can't see any medical reason not to smoke (besides the normal
medical reasons not to smoke ).

I mean, if there is a healthy skin layer there now, nothing about the
act of smoking is going to restart the bleeding, or cause any other
damage. I say have fun in the middle east
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I never waited to smoke. I just made sure I did in moderation. From what I know (I'm not quite the authority though) the niccotine constricts your capilaries, causing healing to be slow. They made me stay off of cigarettes for a month before back surgery. I did pretty good too. Started smoking again 2 days after they let me go home cause of the percocet!
But seriously, another reason they may not want you smoking is because of the sucking action with the mouth (in the case of cigarettes) may cause "dry socket." That's when you get these holes where the teeth were before. Then food gets trapped there and you die of starvation because they have to amputate your whole face from infection and............ Well, maybe a little carried away. But you get the flick I'm sure.
I was always just fine
MR Bubble
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