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Buzz Bad??? Share your feelings!

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Hey, so I'm a little bit confused here.  I've been reading around the forums, in tobacco reviews and such, and I've seen many reviews in which a high buzz factor is put at a major negative of different brands.  Taken aback, I reread the reviews just to reassure my brain that I had not invented a horrible lie.  I couldn't believe that people put a buzz as an undesired outcome of hookah.  The buzz (and flavor) is literally the main reason why I smoke hookah!  I mean, unless you haven't eaten for a while or you're extremely caffeinated, I have never found the buzz to be remotely unpleasant.  And we're talking a "knock you on your ass" Nakhla buzz here.  I love it!  It feels so relaxed, with only a hint of dissorientation and dizziness. For me, it almost feels like I'm stuck in a grainy indie film.  There's just nothing like sharing a great "buzzed" conversation with your friends sitting around a hookah.  After all, you can't really do much else besides talk or throw a pizza in the oven when you've got a wicked buzz.  Life slows down with a strong buzz, and everything feels less urgent. Now I want to know, what are your feelings on the buzz? 
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I like a buzz to be there, sort of in the back, just relaxing me, making me smile, being able to lay back and close my eyes and breath deep (normal air) and just feel very carefree and relaxed...TOO strong of a buzz takes away from some of the calming, peaceful reasons I smoke the hookah.  Even with zero buzz I can still enjoy the flavor of the hookah and converse with friends.  That's my take :)
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When it comes to my massell I do like to have variety in the buzzes they provide.

Somtimes after a long hard day at work I want some Nakhla that will
really put me back in my chair and send my head into the clouds.
Somthing really heavy you know?

 Other times after I get done playing DDR I want somthing pretty
mild and laid back. Nothing strong enough to put my brain into orbit,
but just enough to give me a nice relaxed dreamy feeling.

Between those two types of buzz I think I'm pretty well set. Somtimes I
like somthing heavy and somtimes I like somthing light. It all depends
on the situation really

I do like to have my massell have some sort of buzz to it though. It
just isnt quite the same when the massell (such as Al-Waha in most
cases) doesnt give you at least a peaceful relaxed Zen like feeling.

 Thats just one of the many reasons I tend to stick to Nakhla and
Al-Fakher (with the occasional Romman Peach or Al-Amir) as my main
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Buzz good
I'm with ZooJohnny on this. Some buzzes are better than others. A buzz from some of the coals I've used is bad, bad, BAD! A good buzz from Nakhla double apple that got just a wee bit too hot is good. The most violent buzz I remember was a lunch time Nakhla strawberry buzz. I was an hour from going to work. We would pull MEDEVAC duty a week at a time and were on standby 24/7. The one catch is we would go in at 1:00PM for an aircraft run-up and maybe fly for a couple hours. Not a good thing when you're sitting at home with a violent strawberry buzz at 12:00. That is an example of "Buzz: Bad."
Oh, just in case you're curious, that's when I learned how you can manipulate the buzz effect by the holes you punch. If you make you hole pattern the same size as one whole quicklite, you can expect a more vilont buzz. If you make the pattern larger than the disk, you will get a little more air and cut down on the buzz. Now days, I break my disks up into 4 pieces and don't have violent buzzes any more. Just good, relaxing buzzes.
Oh, damn, I talked too long.
Happy monday!
MR Bubble
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I don't EVER get a buzz from smoking,  the only thing that happens
to me is that it makes me very very tired.  Some people say that
smoking the hookah is a relaxing experience.  Well,  not for
me. When I smoke in the morning,  I get SO tired that
it takes me several hours to wake-up.  That's the only downside to
smoking a hookah, as far as I'm concerned.
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Just a few weeks ago I mixed in a bunch of different flavors and
brands...I ended up with the biggest headache while I was playing CS
and couldn't take it anymore...so I had to lay down and just sleep 
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