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Alright, we are faced with yet another threat of government shut down. Didn’t we just finish playing this game? Oh,yes its all politics. Speaker John Boehner assures us that there will be no government shutdown. The issue seems to hinge on monies for federal disaster relief,which times seems to be a disaster itself and rarely a relief. Granted that in my humble opinion, there should be such a thing as disaster relief,but it should work,too. So once again the GOP holds us hostage for political gain. All they want to do is destroy Obama,even if it collapses the nation. The financial sector is sick of these brinksmanship tactics. And Obama and the Democrats are equally to blame, advancing a jobs bill that no Republican could vote for. The issue is not jobs at all,its about Obama being able to try to shift some blame for this terrible economy on the Republicans,by painting them as obstructionist. So both are in it for political gain and no one is interested in the America People,although their name is bandied about all the time. There just must be so much money to steal, when in office that they risk the collapse of America to secure these gains. Of course,the saddest thing are those very American People who believe the lies that are being handed out by both parties. What we need is a Sanity Party


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