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Al Amir Watermelon Review

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i said this review would be coming sooner but something came up, anyway, on with the review:

tobacco, 8 as usual this stuff is very red, very juicy, and ground down
to a pulp, its like picking thru grits, the cut would have been a 9 or
a 10 if it wasnt so fine but this is practically marinara sauce, and by
the time i got the bowl packed with all the red syrup on my hand it
looked liek i had murdered a rodent

smoke, 9.5 i have only had a few smokes with thicker smoke and even tho
i didnt put enough water in so it isnt getting filtered at all the
smoke is still perfectly smooth i can breath deep and it doesnt even
come close to burning

flavor, 8 the flavor is great, it tastes like some kind of watermelon
candy, i only wish the flavor was a little stronger, the aftertaste is
prominent and sweet tho, the syrup that was left on my hands looked and
smelled so appetizing i just had to taste that too, and it was so good
that i licked it all off

buzz, 0 nada, non existent, but not many smokes buzz me anymore.

overall, 9 the smoke is fantastic, the only thing that could improve
this is a slightly thicker cut and a slightly stronger flavor
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