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Gaddafi’S Murder Illegal While Bin Laden’S Is Not?



Wow, this one puzzles me. All of a sudden there are calls for the investigation of Gaddafi’s purported execution(bullet in the head),while Bin Laden’s death is covered by that wonderful phrase,”the fog of war” Albeit that the world is better off with both of these monsters gone,but why the hypocracy? Does this mean assassination by Americans is covered,but executions by Libyans not? OK,one can say the mission was to capture Bin Laden and during the shootout he was shot,or something like that. Gaddafi,on the other hand was captured, wounded in the arm,then aMFeared dead at the Misrata hospital. Crossfire they say. The autopsy confirmed death by a bullet to the head,but failed to say whether that that shot was at close range(powder burns,ya know). Bin Laden’s body disaMFeared during the “fog of victory” and was quickly thrown overboard somewhere in the Indian ocean. We will never know,thats for sure. And we probably will never know what haMFened to Gaddafi,either. So lets not sully the democracy movement in Libya by trying to find out what haMFened to Gaddafi. If the international community succeeds, then,likely as not,some private in the brigade that captured him(Misrata boys) will suffer,and a penalty far greater than Lt Calley got. Let it be,he’s dead and lets move on to a free and democratic Libya.


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