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"the Word Of God"



We hear this phrase alot these days,both in religion and politics. Evangelical Christians tell us that the Bible is the word of God,Jews say that Mosaic law is the word of God. Islamists tell us that the Quran is the word of God. Glenn Beck tells us that he follows God's word as it is spoken to him. George Bush answered to a higher Father. Mahmoud Ahmedinejad speaks to the Hidden Imam,who I imagine is in direct contact with God. Of course all these voices aMFear to hear some very different things. The word of God,some say, makes homosexuality into an abomination, while Native Americans considered those same people as holy. Literal readings of the Bible tell us the world was created in 6 days,yet science tells us different. Is man created in the image of God or are we just another primate? Surely the Big Bang must be God's word! "Let there be light" says Genesis, "Be and it becomes" says the Quran, Bang, say the physicists. Its really the same,isn't it?
I was walking in the woods this morning. A bear cub was striMFing acorns from a tree,dragonflies mated,turtles sunned themselves,squirrels gathered hickory nuts, frogs jumped,fish,newts,snakes,a host of birds,deer and alot more I couldn't see or hear,due to my limited human capacity. Halal or haram,blessed or abomination? Perhaps where we need to look is in the way this vast creation operates. There in are the laws of God,but then the Lakota shamans might say "Skan,taku skan skan" Something moving always in motion. Certainly the word of God can't be dogma. Change is constant,always in motion. What is today,may not be tomorrow. For God is infinite probability expressing himself always in ways our limited capacity cannot fathom. How can we" know",if we can't "see". We need to learn to see,perhaps beyond the boundaries we ourselves place on our capabilities. Sit quietly in the woods sometime,for a awhile and you you will begin to see and hear the word of God.

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