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3 Cheers For Jimmy Hoffa!



Junior that is,not the one suMFosedly buried in the Meadowlands. Finally people are beginning to stand up against the Tea Party. Its nice to see some spirited progressives like Hoffa, Maxine Waters and Rep. Carson awakening to realize what the Tea Party is up to. The rich of America have decided they want our wealth and they are in the process of taking it. Wall St gambles your earnings away,banks rip you off and sell you junk bonds to invest your retirement money in. The vision these guys have is no health coverage,no pension, no unemployement insurance,no social security and no veterans benefits. They plan to pick you dry and throw you out. Don’t take my word for it.listen to Limbaugh,he’ll tell exactly what the right wants to with your rights. Look at Israel,500,000 in the streets, because Netanyahu and his band of right wing thugs are stealing from the middle class. Italy has shut down,massive strikes to protest government austerity. Believe me,if the right gets your money, the congress will still have pensions,great health care and a whole lot of other perks,while the rest of us pick thru the trash like they do in Brazil and India. The Tea Party can hold the uneducated with their philosophy of doom and hate,but hopefully America will see the light before its too late. We need the Obama of 2008,not the guy who sold out to Wall st. I am going to a counterculture event this weekend and I truly hope I will see no right wingers,no tea baggers and no republicans.


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