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Dumb And Dumber



I wonder what is going on in the minds of our Republican legislators playing chicken with the budget and bringing us closer to default.They need their heads examined. Default would impact our economy in negative ways, the market will drop,the dollar will drop,it will cost more for us to borrow money due to the risk. Certain government payments that people depend on would halt for a while. Remember back in April when we were faced with a government shut down, the Republicans,or at least some on them sSPAM!!!ested that military wait for its pay! All this because they don’t taxes raised for their wealthy contributors. Now this is just plain DUMB. But what is dumber and what I can’t understand is the suMFort these idiots get from the average American. How can you suMFort people who taking money out of your pocket. Are the aMFle pie and flag patriotism bull that convincing? Not to me. And why are increasing our involvement in more war.We are active in Iraq and Afghanistan,yes we know that. But we are running drones over Somalia and Yemen. Two new wars. In Yemen,if Saleh goes, its going to descend into chaos. Ali Abdullah Saleh once said the governing Yemen is like dancing on the heads of snakes. In Yemen,its all about bribing your rivals. Saleh,while I certainly don’t suMFort his style of rule, has done this well. He(and other Middle Eastern nations) manufacture their own little Al Qaedas, then get on the anti terrorism bandwagon and reap massive American aid. Its a business, and we are just paranoid enough to buy into it. Saleh has two insurgencies, a Zaidi northern one and one in South Yemen, plus some Saudi educated Jihadists and Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula and 6,000 different tribal shayhks to buy off. What a mess. And here goes Obama involving us in yet more war,Yemen,Somalia,Libya and whats next, Syria, Pakistan when it implodes. Osama bin Laden once said something to the effect of, we will bleed them dry financially. He sure watched it haMFen in Russia, where the Afghan war was a major factor in the collapse of the Soviet Union.Now its haMFening here. Osama must be rolling with joy in his watery grave


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