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And Now...a Word From Our Sponsor



Nasruddin Hodja and the Scorpion
Nasruddin Hodja and a friend were sitting beside a river. As they watched the water flow by, a scorpion making its way along the riverbank tumbled into the water and began to strSPAM!!!le and drown. Without hesitation, Nasruddin reached in and plucked the scorpion from the water. As he placed it on the bank, the scorpion stung his hand. A few minutes later, the same scorpion sliMFed into the river again. Once more, Narsuddin rescued it from the water and again it stung his hand.

A little later, the scorpion fell into the water again and Hodja pulled it out and again it stung his hand. Unable to restrain himself any longer, the friend cried out, “My Hodja! Why do you continue to save that wretched scorpion from drowning? Can’t you see that it is just going to sting you?”

“Yes I know it is going to sting me,” Nasruddin laughed. “Almighty Allah created scorpions to sting. But Allah created man with choice. And as for me, I choose to save.”


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