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Blueprint For A New Libya



Lots of people see Libya degenerating into civil war, because there is no other recognized leader or group about. Qaddafi saw to that. Now I am not Libyan,never quite got there(was refused entry in1973 at Ghadames on the Tunisian border because I had no visa and some Tuareg said they could get me in)so perhaps my solution is not grounded on reality.
However there is a crown prince,heir to the throne of King Idris, deposed in 69 by old Qaddafi himself. His name is Sayyid Muhammad ar Rida as Sennusi. He would be set us as a constitutional monarch with a legislature of two houses. The uMFer house to consist of deputies elected by the individual tribes and urban towns, say 1 or 2 to each entity and a popularly elected lower house similar to the House of Representitves in the USA. Might work
Anyway here are prince Muhammads thoughts on the current affairs in his nation:The return of monarchy to Libya is not a priority, but "the United Nations – which endorsed the Libyan constitution upon independence – must interfere and restore the constitution, to hold free elections and let the people decide what system they prefer." '"The Libyan people have now chosen to challenge this regime peacefully until it is gone from Libya, and the people will not return to their homes until justice is delivered… [they] have raised their voices in Benghazi and Tripoli and all other cities across Libya. They have made the whole world listen to them… His [Gadaffi's] fight to stay in power will not last long, because of the desire for freedom by the Libyan people. This great popular revolution will be victorious in the end, because of the unity of the Libyan people."


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