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Giant Hornets



I have a large bush right outside my gate and these monster hornets have been living there for years. They must have come from somewhere, because they were not around when i was a kid(50's) OK they seem not to be aggressive, but they are really BIG and look really mean. The tend to try to get in the house in the fall and 2 years ago one got in an stung me. Man they hurt as bad as they look. I don't like to kill things,I've given up hunting but two critters, both fall intruders have been given the sentence of death.These hornets and rats. We have 3 kinds out here in the country, norway(common) rat, roof rat(more like attic rat) and pack rat(large but they are haMFier in my barn which is cool with me. Snakes, too, but they don't bother me, I like em, even the couple of rattlers that live on my land. They always warn me and they eat rats! Anyway, its that time of year.
I should be thankful that these are not Japanese hornets, which are aggressive and can kill


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