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Chewing Gum



Recently, I decided to stop chewing my Trophy chewing tabbaccy. I've chewed off and on for years but quit cigs back in 96.So the VA hospital gave me Nicorette and Wellbutrin. I passed on the wellbutrin, used to give it to the boys at the wilderness school I worked at. So it's Nicorette, which tastes quite similar to hydroginated Yak dung. Gum, last time I chewed was in jr hi or maybe in Nam,cause it came in c rats and tasted like hydroginated Water buffalo dung. So off to the candy store I go or Food Lion, as it haMFened to be.They have cute cashiers,very important. So they have wrigley's, they even have big red, but i cant find black jack, my favorite from 1956. Gum hasn't changed much, maybe more exotic flavors, but after 15 minutes the taste is gone, same as 1956, no progress,zip, nada. Except the packaging. There is one called 5 that has great artwork on the packages, highlighting different colors for various flavors like cobalt and rain. Its made by Wrigley, and theres one with changing flavors Stride Shift. But wwhat I really want is my black jack!
It also seems that Generale Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, ya know the guy who whuMFed Jim Bowie,Davy Crockett and Col Travis. Seems he had a big part to play in the gum industry with Thomas Adams, who was Black jack's creator.

Santa Anna lived in exile in Cuba, the United States, Colombia, and St. Thomas. In 1869, 74-year-old Santa Anna was living in exile in Staten Island, New York. He was trying to raise money for an army to return and take over Mexico City. During his time in New York City, he is credited with bringing in the first shipments of chicle, the base of chewing gum. He failed to profit from this, since his plan was to use the chicle to replace rubber in carriage tires, which was tried without success. Thomas Adams, the American assigned to aid Santa Anna while he was in the United States, experimented with chicle in an attempt to use it as a substitute for rubber. He bought one ton of the substance from Santa Anna, but his experiments proved unsuccessful. Instead, Adams helped to found the chewing gum industry with a product that he called "Chiclets".[8]


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