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The American Taliban



At a Sufi shrine in Dera Ghazi Khan in Pakistan 2 suicide bombers blew themselves up at the gate of the shrine killing 41 people. These radical extremist Islamists find the joyful celebration of Sufism as,in their opinion, contrary to their interpretation of Qu'ran,Sharia and Hadith.So they blow their co religionists up. In Mazar I Sharif and Kandahar in Afghanistan,politically motivated mullahs reacted to an obscure Florida pastor who burned a Qu'ran. They killed UN employees,not the pastor,innocent people who had nothing to do with the event. These are the tactics of the Taliban. We look at these radicals and cringe in horror,yet we have their brothers right here in America. I don't mean radical Imams or al Qaeda sleeper cells. I am talking about that Qu'ran burning pastor and his flock. I am talking about the Westboro Baptist church, who disrupt the funerals of brave soldiers to protest their hatred for homosexuality.Both Terry Jones and Fred Phelps are no different than the Taliban of Afghanistan and Pakistan.Filled with a hatred that knows no reason, they harm innocents,dishonor heros and in Jones case,become,in my mind,not only accessories to murder but traitors to their country. I am a Marine Corps veteran and I notice many veterans belong to this forum. Politics aside,how can we justify this kind of disrespect to our brave troops.I served 26 months in combat, some of you have done Afganistan and Iraq,multiple tours. You know the horror of war,you know the courage of our military men.I am no fan of militant Islam,yet I know that these idiots don't represent all of Islam. No one here in America would condemn the Christian faith because of the actions of two very misguided pastors. A few years back, there was an overused phrase,"What would Jesus do?" Jesus was all about love, not hatred and death. There is much in the Qu'ran that condemns the kind of action taken by these extremist mullahs.It is not the way of the Prophet,either.So in all this hate, I see that these pastors and mullahs are fellow travellers, men whose hatred of themselves and others have warped the very religions they claim to defend into an insane ballet of intolerance and hate. The Taliban and the American Taliban, one in the same.


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