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"tundora" Egyptian Hoses

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I believe the context of the alcohol comment was in a discussion involving liquids to clean hoses with out rusting one... thought behind it was that the alcohol would evaporate quicker thus less time to rust... but i personally don't even see the need to use liquid anything in them. If you had to, just use some lemon juice/hot water combo, swing hose over head to centrifuge some water out and let drip dry.

I've heard those hoses rock and I've always wanted to try one. Where do you mean when you say leaking? Like where the hose goes into the stem?
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I usually add some duct tape around the end pieces on mine to get a better seal. I just ordered one of the longer hoses khalil makes from hookahcompany the other day so Im anxious to try those. My only complaint about those hoses were they were a bit too short for me.
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Tried the electrical tape. Works perfect. Thanks sonthert. Wish I had a digi cam to show my hose but all I got is a webcam. I got a green model with arab writing and a swirl carved mouth piece. They seem like a very nice hose.

Oh here is a more correct picture but mine is green, otherwise exactly the same:
Edited by Scarecrow
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The material is more thin carpet-like.

I misspoke...I didn't mean to imply people should put electrical tape over duct tape...I meant that I though electrical tape was superior to duct tape...cheaper too.

I have mentioned that stock photo to Matt several times...the stem piece is backwards on that picture.
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